PGP: Wanting Some Mother-Suckin Rock & Roll in Montreal!!

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Started my morning with the Slane Castle dvd. Much better mood now! :heart:

Awesome dvd!! :drool:

Maybe I should try that - although if I did, I might never leave the house. Maybe I should click one of those "Make millions working from home" ads!

:hug: Talk to your doctor. When my insurance company changed, I had to change pills (LAME!) and it took me a few tries to find one that didn't mess with me. I have to say that, although I liked the 'predictablilty' of being on the pill, it's nice not to have to pay for it every month.

I get it free because of the health care we have up here :wink:

I'm definitely gonna talk to my doc and see if she can get me on one that isn't gonna make me feel sick everyday.


Slane Castle, ftw! :love: Maybe I'll watch that sometime this weekend. I get Friday off, which I'm SOOO excited about! :drool: I'm desperately in need of a long weekend.

Just a quick driveby from me. Hopefully I'll be able to stop by tonight. I hate being so busy and that I'm unable to be here more often. :sad: See you all later! :hug:

Yay for Friday's off!! :hyper:
Thora, Awesome that you get Friday off. I sort of had yesterday off (I took my Intermediate group to perform at an elementary school) but next week is a THREE DAY WEEK! We're leaving after work on Wednesday to drive to DISNEYLAND :hyper: :love: :hyper: I can't wait!!!!!!
I forgot that I have to be at the front desk for an hour this morning, so yay! I can be here for a while. :D

Yay for Disneyland, zu! :hi5: I remember having SO much fun there when I was a kid/teenager. :love:
Thanks goodness Monday is a holiday here. I could really use a day off!:wink:

Have fun in Disneyland Zooey!:hug:
Is that for Family Day, Amy? The BC government doesn't believe in families, so we don't get a stat holiday. :lol: But my company likes families, so they've given us Friday off. :wink:

It is a fairly new holiday here. February ws the only month without a day off from school so the kids like it too. Many places in town have special events for families. I will sleep in, and then have some fun!:wink: It is a stat, so I get paid for it too, which is a bonus!

It was funny, when they announced they were giving us the day off, they were saying to enjoy time spent with your family. I'm pretty much the only one in my company who has no family anywhere near here. :lol: So I've planned to spend the day napping, getting a haircut and watching DVD's. That's MY kind of family! :wink:
My mom is freakin hilarious!!

She's been trying to learn all the words to Breathe and say them in time with Bono.

Last night she grabbed my NLOTH album and played the song to show me how much she'e learned so far She said she wants them to play it in Winnipeg so she can sing along perfectly!

aww... your mom is sweet!! :)
btw - love the laughing Larry on your signature :shifty:

i made my mom watch It Might Get Loud the other day. Nevermind that I had bloody red eyes from reading too much/working too much behind the computer, but when this was on TV, it just had to be watched again and i had to break my promise for 1,5 hours not to overdo with things too tireing for the eyes -- btw this explains my lack from this place lately too! Anyway - she did like it! she said she wants to see it again :D

It's a fabulous book! I bought the super huge hardcover book the second it came out, and now of course it's available in a much smaller, paperback and cheaper version. Ah well. It's a nice coffee table book, and it keeps my other huge Beatles coffee table book company.

i still have trouble fitting the super huge book into my shelf :lol: but the pics are :drool:-worthy! still have to read it through though, not enough time for this :reject:

so what did i miss from the new concert?
apart from Larry's new necklace and Edge's new shirt (which I approve, btw - finally some chest!!)
:up:Me time is awesome!:applaud:
Sometimes even better than family time :reject: :lol:

It is a fairly new holiday here. February ws the only month without a day off from school so the kids like it too. Many places in town have special events for families. I will sleep in, and then have some fun!:wink: It is a stat, so I get paid for it too, which is a bonus!

In February in our town, we get two days off for Rodeo Days. There's a HUGE rodeo that comes into town and all the schools shut down. When I first moved here I was like "You've GOT to be kidding!" but it is a nice break. Then in March we have a teacher work day (no students) and in April we have a SHORT spring break (most schools get a full week off, but we only get 3 days off - BOO). Then it's the long haul 'til May.

Is that for Family Day, Amy? The BC government doesn't believe in families, so we don't get a stat holiday. :lol: But my company likes families, so they've given us Friday off. :wink:

I love the idea of Family Day. But Thora, your post made me :lol:

I forgot that I have to be at the front desk for an hour this morning, so yay! I can be here for a while. :D

Yay for Disneyland, zu! :hi5: I remember having SO much fun there when I was a kid/teenager. :love:

Have a blast at Disneyland Zooey

I went a couple times as a kid, a couple times in college and once about 6 years ago with my best girlfriends from college. I have an AWESOME time every time. This time will be even better since we'll have 3 day passes, so we won't feel like we have to spend every waking moment in the park if we get tired or whatever. We can take our time, and hopefully ride Space Mountain, like, 20 times! :hyper:
I love the Bono "Fuck" gif. About sums up my feelings on a lot of things right now :lol: *rightclicksave*

This week is Love Of Reading week, so in a few minutes I"m going to my son's school to read one of my favorite kids' books to his class. :love: (I love having a looooong lunch on Tuesdays).

Hope everyone's doing well - I haven't been in here much, but I've been 'lurking', trying to stay up on all the news.

Stay warm, Canadians! :hug: It's supposed to be 80F here today :rolleyes: In February.
:shifty: Question for the Canadians. Do the Montreal/Toronto airports have any forme of tax free gameshop or something like that? Otherwise, does Wal-mart carry games/electronics?
Glad I could make you laugh, zu. :D Oh, and in my city it's a decent temperature (6C/43F), so I'm not freezing here, thankfully. :) Yay for mild Februarys!

GG - I've never been to either of those airports, but I highly doubt you'd find those kinds of things in the duty free shops. They normally just carry stuff like perfumes, booze, cigarettes, fancy foods, etc. You never know, though. :D

WalMart will for sure have those. :yes:

Today a co-worker and I are going to a nice restaurant for lunch, courtesy of one of our vendors. Yay for free food! :hyper:
Agree wholeheartedly on the "Night And Day" video. OMFG, seriously... I think it's illegal to have that much sexiness on a screen. Some people are just blessed to naturally ooze copious (I SAID COPIOUS, PEOPLE) amounts of sex appeal.


:lmao::lmao: agrees! :drool::drool::drool:

Screw this, I'm stopping my Yazmin pills :crack: Ever since I switched over to them I feel nauseated every single day and they make me feel like crap : sigh :

I dunno if you guys remember my posts a few weeks back about all the lawsuits associated with those pills anyway. Well that scared me even more.

Stupid pills : angry :
I do. Glad you are stopping those anyway. Good Luck :hug: finding something that does it's job AND leaves you alone :angry: side effects-wise.

Maybe I should try that - although if I did, I might never leave the house. Maybe I should click one of those "Make millions working from home" ads!

Started my morning with the Slane Castle dvd. Much better mood now! : heart :
:wave: nice to see you pop in, MTE!

Thora, Awesome that you get Friday off. I sort of had yesterday off (I took my Intermediate group to perform at an elementary school) but next week is a THREE DAY WEEK! We're leaving after work on Wednesday to drive to DISNEYLAND : hyper : : love : : hyper : I can't wait!!!!!!
:hyper: Have a safe trip and a great time, Zu & fam!

Today a co-worker and I are going to a nice restaurant for lunch, courtesy of one of our vendors. Yay for free food! : hyper :

OOoooooo! doggy bag, please? :D

I'll be around here till about 5:40P
OOoooooo! doggy bag, please? :D

Sorry, there was none left. :wink: I had a delicious halibut burger. It was amazing. :drool:

The people that took us out to lunch are totally crazy, in a not so good way, so it was a bit weird. My co-worker and I were glancing at each other in a bit of a panic every now and then. LOL. They're just very strange personalities, and they have no boundaries. They were sharing really personal stories about stuff that I would NEVER talk about with co-workers, let alone clients. :huh: :tsk: :lol: Very weird. Oh well. It was a free lunch, so we'll let the craziness slide.
I remember when that video came out. That week my avi was that pic and my Interference location was the Beatles lyric from the song "Chains". :giggle: It's one of my favorite old Beatles tunes and it was all I could think of upon first seeing the video.

Chains, my baby's got me locked up in chains.
And they ain't the kind that you can see.
Whoa, oh, these chains of love got a hold on me, yeah.

Chains, well I can't break away from these chains.
Can't run around, 'cause I'm not free.
Whoa, oh, these chains of love won't let me be, yeah.

I wanna tell you, pretty baby,
I think you're fine.
I'd like to love you,
But, darlin', I'm imprisoned by these...

Chains, my baby's got me locked up in chains,
And they ain't the kind that you can see,
Oh, oh, these chains of love got a hold on me.

Please believe me when I tell you,
Your lips are sweet.
I'd like to kiss them,
But I can't break away from all of these...

Chains, my baby's got me locked up in chains.
And they ain't the kind that you can see.
Whoa, oh, these chains of love got a hold on me, yeah.

Chains, chains of love...
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