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I wish I could do that. I am deterrmined to actually see them in concert at least once in my life. I'd love to see them at MSG. It'd be fun if a bunch of us met up there. This is assuming I can get time off work. I'm going to work my holidays around it if I can.
C'mon, that's what "sick" days are for!! I took one to see U23D, for chrissake!

A few days later one of my students says to me "Hey did you know that U2 has a 3D movie out?" I said "Yeah, remember when I wasn't here last week" *wink*. He laughed! Most of the people at my work, students included, are aware of my obsession.
Aw! Well, I'm sure you'll be able to figure it out with enough advance warning!

A friend of mine did homecare for awhile. Do you enjoy it? Is it what you set out to do? (I don't mean that in any sort of derogatory way! Lots of people I know just have McJobs, you know, to pay the bills - me I :heart: my job)
It's actually not what I started out doing...but I do love it. I actually started out doing data entry type stuff. That got mind-numbing VERY quickly. I am definately not an office kind of girl. I actually had been in the back of my mind in high school that I kind of wanted to be a nurse. I'm seriously thinking about doing it when I'm not working again.
zuropa_fit said:

When we were there we didn't do anything U2 related. We even had one last afternoon in Dublin where we didn't know what to do. But we'd returned the rental car and didn't want to hoof it or pay for a cab out to Dalkey or where ever he lives. Can't believe I didn't go sign the wall at HQ, though. *kicks self*


Maybe next year :shifty:
dianepm said:
I honestly don't know if I'd ever want to meet Bono in person. I doubt I'd be able to do anything other than make him think I was a stalker. I think I'd just stand there with a look something like a deer caught in headlights.

I always thought that i'd be the same, the boys have an air about them that calms you :drool:
zuropa_fit said:
Yeah. But I'm pretty sure I'm gonna stalk the band when they go out on tour. And of course I mean stalking in a healthy way, like take the day off work and hang out outside their hotel from 6am to 3am waiting to talk to Larry or Edge. But yeah, I'll probably just babble in monosyllabic grunts and drool a bit on their shoes. :lol:

Not that i've doe anything like that :whistle:

Maybe i'll join you :shh:
zuropa_fit said:
Hey Diane (very clever!) Ah, yes. I had one of those weeks! It ended last night with me in tears on the bed, suffering through a migrane with my son trying to be helpful. "Mama, do you need a band-aid?" :lol:

:cute: aww!

:shifty: perhaps a certain person from Band Aid would be nice...
Alisaura said:

This is very true... They do say a picture is worth a thousand words :yes:


I'm at my parents house again for the day... I left my Vertigo hoodie up here last weekend and I came back to get it today... :lol: :reject:

:tongue: yup!

:giggle: you're addicted...

:uhoh: I couldn't survive without some of my clothes either tho..
dianepm said:
I honestly don't know if I'd ever want to meet Bono in person. I doubt I'd be able to do anything other than make him think I was a stalker. I think I'd just stand there with a look something like a deer caught in headlights.
That pretty much sounds like me in front of Larry and Edge in '06 :reject:

My brain had completely melted by then! :crack:
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