PGP: Letting Our Freak Flags Fly... Again... Still

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:hug: to Cori. I'm sorry to hear that. At least she'll have a relatively peaceful passing when it does come, though, so there's that, I suppose. My condolences to you and your family.

As for the topic of U2 shows, hm. ZooTV show would've been amazing to see, no question. I'd also like to have seen something from their early, early days, when they were just starting out, that would've been fun.

And the eye candy in a late '80s show has an appeal as well...

Wondering if I should renew my subscription. I don't think I'll be in Europe in the fall so I don't think I'll use any pre-sale codes for any shows in 2011. And I never go over to the forum there. And I don't usually browse the news and other content. I don't think I"m going to.
Cori, so sorry about your Grandma. It has been less than a month since I lost mine, so I can relate.:hug: Thinking of you!:heart:

K, which store? I'd wear one! :shifty:
:giggle: Wow, I'm totally in awe. How sticky were they after you found them?

They weren't sticky at all! I don't think the chocolate even melted... :ohmy: I'm very impressed!

I'm also amazed I actually managed to forget all about them for three weeks... *L*

*is eating some now*

I'm having a sad day. My grandma is expected to pass away in the next day or two. :(

I'm so sorry to hear this, Cori! :hug: Like you said, at least she's comfortable and it'll be peaceful... :hug:

Random question:

I was just watching ZooTv and I was thinking about how if I could go back to a show on any tour it would be ZooTv. Which tour would you guys pick?

Just curious :hmm:

For me, Lovetown. They played seven shows in the tennis centre in Melbourne (a smallish arena, capacity ~12 to 15,000), and I would love nothing more than to hear Hawkmoon and Exit live. :drool:

I know someone who saw them then... super jealous!
I do what I can :wink: Stay warm and safe, Weldy.

I'm trying....but I've got more to worry about than Lake Shore Drive Blizzard of 2011 (My invention....because of how many people got stuck on that street)

My dad is in the hospital right now....for another stroke and possibly unrelating shoulder pain (I said POSSIBLY....we both seem to think it isn't related to the stroke). I would have called 911 sooner (it was roughly 3 and a half/4 hours before I actually did) but my dad was being stubborn about wanting to get up himself and overworrying about not having insurance/enough money to pay for medical bills (mainly the latter...but I didn't buy it of course because I knew his health was more important than worrying about bills).
I'm trying....but I've got more to worry about than Lake Shore Drive Blizzard of 2011 (My invention....because of how many people got stuck on that street)

My dad is in the hospital right now....for another stroke and possibly unrelating shoulder pain (I said POSSIBLY....we both seem to think it isn't related to the stroke). I would have called 911 sooner (it was roughly 3 and a half/4 hours before I actually did) but my dad was being stubborn about wanting to get up himself and overworrying about not having insurance/enough money to pay for medical bills (mainly the latter...but I didn't buy it of course because I knew his health was more important than worrying about bills).

:hug: My dad was the exact same way. Such a frustrating back and forth, that.

I'm sorry to hear about your dad, I hope he'll be okay.

They weren't sticky at all! I don't think the chocolate even melted... :ohmy: I'm very impressed!

I'm also amazed I actually managed to forget all about them for three weeks... *L*

*is eating some now*

Wow. I'm shocked. :lol: Here there's the danger that once we eat one, we eat the whole bag. I respect your self control!

:hug: Man Cori that really sucks about your grandma. Sorry to hear.
For Kristen's question I'd choose Boy Tour. Would have loved to have seen their early messiness. The worst part is that I totally could have seen it, but didn't go. :doh: Ahh well if we could only know then what we know now right?

Sending :hug:s for cori and weldy.

Weldy, I'm sorry to hear your dad isn't well. Good thoughts your way.

If I end up with pics while I'm home next week, I'll share ... depending on how my hair looks that day. :wink: I just had my guy give me some more layering. He always make it look so fabulous, but I wasn't up for trying to take 20 pics of myself last night. Which is how many pics it usually take before I find one that's not horrifying!

My grandma passed away last night. I woke up expecting to hear the news, and it was there. I'm glad she passed quickly, for everyone's sake.

While it will be sad, it will be nice to see my family.

And, on the bright side, I don't have to work for a week and got to hand off a few unfinished pieces of work. ;)
If I end up with pics while I'm home next week, I'll share ... depending on how my hair looks that day. :wink: I just had my guy give me some more layering. He always make it look so fabulous, but I wasn't up for trying to take 20 pics of myself last night. Which is how many pics it usually take before I find one that's not horrifying!

LOL, ooh, I hear that :D. Can't wait to see them if/when you have them.

I got my hair cut yesterday, too. Now it's above my shoulders and a bit more curly and wavy and layered. The lady tried seeing what parting my hair to the side would look like (and we've found it's better swept to the left than the right), but I prefer it down the middle, 'cause having hair dangling in my face and such drives me nuts.

Also, I've been told it for as long as I can remember, but last night when I looked at myself with my new hairdo, I got official proof that yes, I do look EXACTLY like my mother :p. Which I don't see as a bad thing, mind. I just found it funny. I'd love to share pictures as well, but I don't have a scanner. Hm. Maybe find some other way.

My grandma passed away last night. I woke up expecting to hear the news, and it was there. I'm glad she passed quickly, for everyone's sake.

While it will be sad, it will be nice to see my family.

And, on the bright side, I don't have to work for a week and got to hand off a few unfinished pieces of work. ;)

Hey, as long as you can find some upsides :). I'm still sorry to hear of your loss, though :( :hug:.

I hope your dad's better soon, Weldy. :hug: And cori, I'm so sorry for your loss. :hug: But I'm glad to hear there are positives.

If I could have gone back to any tour, I probably would have gone to ZooTV. I became a fan right after Pop, so I've been to the tours since then. So it might be a toss-up between Pop or the Zoo. Or JT. :lol:

I found a great app for my phone where I can track my runs. It has GPS, so it monitors how far you run, your pace and all sorts of other stuff. Pretty cool! :D It used up all the juice on my phone, though. :lol: My pace right now is 10:45/km, which is slow, but that's to be expected starting out. It will be fun to see how I improve each week. :D
I haven't seen her around for quite a while, though I think I might have seen her pop up in a setlist party thread, could be remembering wrong though. :hmm: I haven't seen VP for a while either. :(
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