Blue Crack Addict
I see a lurking Blues fan Apparently I can only pick them in one round - not two - or they go poof...
Clearly you hang out with less dirty minded and smartass knitters than I do
Comet, can you track these images down?
These photos were in the paper today. Guess what... • All U2...All The Time.
Bono's milkshake brings all the girls to the yard. And damn right, they're followed by Edge.
a) that Time mag cover really bothers me
b) the thought of nursing Bono like that really disturbs me
bonocomet said:Oh wait, are those new?? Ok I'm remembering different ones with him holding the red book thingy I guess!
Okay, and this is from the eeeewwww files.
Morgan Freeman to marry his step-granddaughter | Love + Sex - Yahoo! Shine
I heard they are double dating with Woody Allen and his daughter/wife.