PGP: Hot Bono in the Summertime

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This is all my fault.

Actually, It's not. It's HIS fault.


and for some Edge ladies

I'll bet they have Caramel Apples in Hell. That's just the kind of snack The Devil would serve.
This is all my fault.

Actually, It's not. It's HIS fault.


and for some Edge ladies

You're trying to kill me, aren't you?

Bono's milkshake brings all the girls to the yard. And damn right, they're followed by Edge.

Good news from the surgeon today. The pathology report is not finalized, but as of right now, he's saying THEY GOT ALL THE TUMORS OUT. :yippie: And two of my mom's 3 drains were able to come out today. :yippie: :yippie:
Yay Tara!

OMG you guys, my BFF had lunch at The Spotted Pig today and declared the burger one of the best ever. We saw Spiderman together Thursday night. On Friday we unknowingly sat in a park a block from TSP, and when I realized, I was already home. Since he's there a few more days, he snapped a few pictures then lunched today.
a) this thread was almost NSFW today :giggle: I was going to quote some stuff but the work network was being super slow

b) Mr. Z just called and told my son to wait out front to "help him with something"... (birthday surprise). I'm intrigued and a little scared :shifty: :hmm: :huh:

eta: haha! My son just had to sign the card.

:wave: almost home from Vegas. I hopefully can get back here and do some catching up later tonight. Hope all is well with everyone. Happy birthday zooey!
Also, having seen the reaction on Facebook to that pic which is now Amy's avi :lol: It's a wonder all the Edge girls on my feed didn't explode! :wink: Wonder if Lori-Jo got anything done today after seeing that pic...
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