PGP: Detective Edge Awaits His Grape Jelly

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
Mmm what's that fresh clean smell? :cute: Oooh hai Gg :flirt:

We haven't watched VD (<-- :lol: ) yet. HOWEVER, C & C (faster than typing their names all the time!) told me that they hear it's good and will probably check it out. They said unfortunately the network chose to promote it to the Twilite audience, making all the marketing appeal to them, when the books are actually closer to the Buffy series. And we are big Buffy/Angel fans.

GG smells fresh and clean? *sniffs air* :wink:

tell them to let go all their expectations about VD (heh), book, Twilight, and what they've heard about it, and to enjoy it on its own merits. As i I said earlier, it took me 6 or 7 episodes to "get it" but I was glad I stuck with it.It really is worth it. :up:
Aside from the nonsensical songs :wink:, I enjoyed LOTR a lot. I also liked the movies. Never thought Jackson could pull off such an accurate and enjoyable movie adaptation given the unbelievably epic depth of the story, but he did it.

One of my aunts gave me The Hobbit as a Christmas gift when I was ?11. I was really taken with it and then my folks got me the three book paperback edition that was all the rage in collegedom at the time!

I plowed through it! And :giggle: it spoiled me for almost every other pure fantasy worlds other writers created!!!

The only ones i like through many decades are ones that combind fastasty/medievil elements with our Modern Day Society: HP fits right in, then there's Mary Ann Zimmer Bradely's "Darkover" series, Diaune Duane's "Wizard" series....

comet I LOVED PJ's LORT movies!
Talk about division! I guess I found put I'm not a "Tolkien" Purist!! :lol:
I really enjoyed the alterations he made
esp Arwen'srescue of Frodo from the Nazgul!!! AND OMG when Frodo offered up The One Ring in Osgiliath to the Witch King/ top Nazgul, with Sam rescuing him, frodo nearly killing him in his trance,and the speech Sam gives after that :heart:

Really, He, the actors, the set designers and costumers, cinematogrpaher etc etc both details, depth as you say, breadth spirit of it....I could go on & on!!!! :D

I would LOVE to see the 3 Extended editions in The Big Theater!!!

I don't care what some peolpe say .To see a wonderous film in the dark on the Big Screen IS *magic*! It is the 20-21st Century of sitting round the Campfire in the dark listen to the Master Story Teller of the Village weave their world into shape & life! :love:
I can look it up on google maps. :wink: Are you single? What do you want to do with your life? What attracted you to our thread?


Yes, single sadly. :( The guy I like is interested in everyone but me. :lol: And... I really wanna teach someday, probably writing.
I like this thread because it's awesome! :wink: It reminds me of my old home Bono Online.

zuropa- :hi5: I once talked to someone from Berkeley who had no idea where Concord was. o_O It's barely twenty minutes away, how could they not...?
:sexywink: I'm not even wearing pants yet.

Have to do my nails before I get dressed. :wink:

You should talk to Jem then, she's a huge Spike/Buffy fan. :wink:

:lol: Gg watch out for German photographers!

ooh I remember that now about Jem! I think we had discussed Spike/Buffy back when I used to be here more years ago! :cute: Spike :drool: :love: him
:lol: Gg watch out for German photographers!

ooh I remember that now about Jem! I think we had discussed Spike/Buffy back when I used to be here more years ago! :cute: Spike :drool: :love: him

:shifty: Well if Bono wanted to take revenge and photograph me in my underwear, he's welcome to do so.

:wink: I won't be running around in random German houses though.

I thought I remembered another Spike fan! :lol: But I had no clue it was you!
I would LOVE to see the 3 Extended editions in The Big Theater!!!

I don't care what some see a wonderous film in the dark on the Big Screen IS *magic*! it is the 20-21st Century of sitting round the Campfire in the dark listen to the Master Story Teller of the Village weave their world onto life!:love:

:up: true daz.

And ooh we would LOVE to see the 3 extended versions in a theatre someday. :drool:

I need to go find something to eat... tummy growling... :ohmy:
Yes, single sadly. :( The guy I like is interested in everyone but me. :lol: And... I really wanna teach someday, probably writing.
I like this thread because it's awesome! :wink: It reminds me of my old home Bono Online.

zuropa- :hi5: I once talked to someone from Berkeley who had no idea where Concord was. o_O It's barely twenty minutes away, how could they not...?

Guys sometimes suck. :madwife: And that's about all I have to add, at this point. However, I do see you lurking, and would like to hear more from you, so don't be shy, join in. :)

Well at least it doesn't show that you're drunk!

Oh hey, did you see you've passed 50K? :ohmy: wow.

I switched to water. And don't remind me. :grumpy: :lol:
I've been doing a pretty good job of it so far, and I was supposed to be doing something else. :shifty:
Oh? Like what? :shifty:

Guys sometimes suck. :madwife: And that's about all I have to add, at this point. However, I do see you lurking, and would like to hear more from you, so don't be shy, join in. :)

I switched to water. And don't remind me. :grumpy: :lol:

Guys can be real bastards. :yes: Except for that Bono dude, he seems to be a really good guy.

Ah, ruin the fun for us! :wink: We need a speech! Speech! Speech!

:uhoh: And my tummy sez Breakfast. Brb.
OH wait, i nearly forgot....

That picture is just awesome.
My sleep meds are reducing my typing skills so I better get to bed. Good night everyone, thanks for the good time! :wave:
:sad: So now everyone's going to leave me all alone in this big, dark, silent thread?

Sorry, we are currently performing scheduled maintenance. We should be back online shortly.

:scream: Even the forum is leaving me here!!!!

A somewhat heavy question for the rest of you, and I ask this as an atheist/agnostic - I'm watching (again, lol) If God Would Send His Angels, and I'm wondering what the rest of you think of the song. I adore its honesty and doubt, I think it's absolutely gorgeous. Like comet said earlier, it's vulnerable...and I think that's what a lot of the 90s material has in common (and what I find so appealing about this era) as opposed to other eras.

Not looking for any sort of an answer, just genuinely curious. I wish I could post this in EYKIW, but I'm afraid it would end up as a battle ground.

Eta - another religious song of doubt from the era is The First Time, and again, I love that one, too. When they played it last tour, that was one of the most exciting moments of my life so far...seriously. SO thrilled to have heard it live. :heart:
same photo.... De-watermarked ?
even if it's abit different....:lol::drool::drool:

thnaks, bc! Rolls Bono up in Bubble Wrap, and carts him off stage......


nice to have so mnay people here AND my connection be hlafway deccent tonight as well!
:wave::heart::wave: nighty, night all..wait ...
oh and a good morning to others!:D

concert later today! woot!:hyper:

eta VP totally coincidental 9 regeards to your questin-- of which i don't know all the words to IGWSHA i ove the meoldy though....tonight wil be the finale of S6 Reruns of Lost

you know some of my spiritual journey/ musings
even if I beleive there might be somethong more "out there" so to speak /another dimensions/planes of Exisitance etc... i TOO, wished that the Alt World for Our Losties had been REAL- ...the nuke split the exisitences into 2 probabilities and they really lived both, and then what's called ( beleive) the Wave Front collapsing they are totally back were we see them in their Island lives. BUT they retain the memory of the split-off or end-run back into their pasts giving them this whole other life. :D
A somewhat heavy question for the rest of you, and I ask this as an atheist/agnostic - I'm watching (again, lol) If God Would Send His Angels, and I'm wondering what the rest of you think of the song. I adore its honesty and doubt, I think it's absolutely gorgeous. Like comet said earlier, it's vulnerable...and I think that's what a lot of the 90s material has in common (and what I find so appealing about this era) as opposed to other eras.

Not looking for any sort of an answer, just genuinely curious. I wish I could post this in EYKIW, but I'm afraid it would end up as a battle ground.

Hm, I'm pretty much agnostic as well. I think faith is a beautiful thing but just not for me. IGWSHA is a really beautiful song, and it shows Bono very open and indeed vulnerable. most of the days I don't even pay attention to songs like this, because I'm not in the mood. I want some nice rockers that don't require me to think much. On other days there's the deeper stuff like IGWSHA, Please, So Cruel, MOS and such that grab my attention. I reckon there's many layers to a u2 song and some have more to it than others. Strangely enough, as religious as IGWSHA is it still appeals to me. I love the way Bono sings his lines, and his vocals are pretty raw.

Still I'd rather have Mofo or Gone as a single, pretty much because listening to songs like IGWSHA and Please make me think far too much and it makes me sad. I prefer to be happy clappy on the outside for most of the time.
Hm, I'm pretty much agnostic as well. I think faith is a beautiful thing but just not for me. IGWSHA is a really beautiful song, and it shows Bono very open and indeed vulnerable. most of the days I don't even pay attention to songs like this, because I'm not in the mood. I want some nice rockers that don't require me to think much. On other days there's the deeper stuff like IGWSHA, Please, So Cruel, MOS and such that grab my attention. I reckon there's many layers to a u2 song and some have more to it than others. Strangely enough, as religious as IGWSHA is it still appeals to me. I love the way Bono sings his lines, and his vocals are pretty raw.

Still I'd rather have Mofo or Gone as a single, pretty much because listening to songs like IGWSHA and Please make me think far too much and it makes me sad. I prefer to be happy clappy on the outside for most of the time.

Interesting, thanks. :) I guess I just wondered if I were the only non-religious person moved by these songs.

I sometimes wonder though, when listening to songs like this, if his faith and mine (or lack thereof) are really that far apart. Ah, the philosophy of it all. I won't bore you with that, though. :lol:
I don't mind it if you would talk about it VP. It's kind of refreshing to talk with someone who shares your views. It annoys me that in the lyric forum part whenever you're talking about a song there's a few posters that will immediately steer the conversation on the religious aspects, and claim that every U2 song is about religion and such. Sure, you can interpret them that way. But I don't. I'm interested in the other aspects of a song, as Bono said many times, his songs have several different meanings.

It was hillarious when someone claimed DYFL was about God. Ehm... No. That song is 100% about sex. :lol:
Ok I had to go eat something. Ended up having peanuts and a fig newton, oh yay! At least tummy stopped growling.

VP I hear you on what you said about the song, and I feel that way about him in the POP era in general. Pop Bono feels HUGELY vulnerable to me. I hadn't related it as much to the earlier Zoo era though so I will be pondering this. It's also why I'm very excited for your thesis. :wink: Compared to you, I'm still almost a new U2/Bono fan, so a lot of this is still processing for me, and also I wasn't "around" during those eras to experience them with U2 if you know what I mean. it's all very fascinating now, so I wish I had paid attention then.

The First Time: Earlier tonight on my drive home from work I was listening to it in my car, and as always without fail, the song sends the goosebumps and this really emotional wave through me. It's weird. But I love it. :heart:
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