PGP: Ain't No One F*cks with Tiny Hippo

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Why yes, yes it is... Jillian someone. I'm going to get sick of her telling me "we're nearly there" and that she wants me screaming and panting...! :huh:

Have you done that one?

Yay milestone picspams!

I did do 30 Day Shred and it works wonders. Definitely keep up with it.

Am I there yet?
Ahh, it's the 30 Day Shred. I am very familiar with the torture that is Jillian Michaels. :lol: :crack: She's insane. But in a kinda good way. I should really bust that out again - it's a good workout.
Ahh, it's the 30 Day Shred. I am very familiar with the torture that is Jillian Michaels. :lol: :crack: She's insane. But in a kinda good way. I should really bust that out again - it's a good workout.

:lol: She really is... I'm glad to hear the testimonials though!
:lol: She really is... I'm glad to hear the testimonials though!

Yup. Highly recommended. I was a bit wary when I first bought it, but a bunch of people I trusted swore by it, so I gave in and got it. I just about died after the first time I did the workout, and I didn't even have any weights to use! :laugh: I still don't have proper weights, but I use makeshift ones - beer bottles filled with rocks, and taped shut. Ghetto weights, ftw! :lol:
Yup. Highly recommended. I was a bit wary when I first bought it, but a bunch of people I trusted swore by it, so I gave in and got it. I just about died after the first time I did the workout, and I didn't even have any weights to use! :laugh: I still don't have proper weights, but I use makeshift ones - beer bottles filled with rocks, and taped shut. Ghetto weights, ftw! :lol:

:lol: I can respect rocks as weights! And yeah, I couldn't move after the first couple of times... I've done four now, and I can't decide if I'm slacking off or if my muscles are starting to get used to it, cos I'm not in so much pain after. We only started using little hand weights for some of the excersises yesterday... not the one where your leg goes sideways and you lift the weights in front to eye-level though!









Interviews do suck. So does filling out endless applications. After a while you start to wish there was a real life version of the whole "copy/paste" deal where you could just automatically stick all the information about your previous jobs and supervisors and contact numbers and job descriptions and whatnot on every application and be done with it.

Meant to say hi to you, Ali, in my last post :wave:. Glad to hear you're doing all right-you sure seem like you've got quite the hectic life going on, but if it's all good things you're doing, that's worth it.

I see a picture like this, and I feel like I really need to do a DNA test involving him and the Killers' Brandon Flowers. 'Cause when Brandon had that moustache going on for a while, he sure looked a hell of a lot like Pop-era Bono.

Love the other pictures here, too :drool: :cute:.
All those Bono pics :cute: SQUEE!

Just got back from open life drawing. Much fun. Still have yet to get used to naked men. But the last pose was hilariously random-dude-passed-out-in-living-room-esque. And I went and bought a shitton of candy from the campus store afterwards...they charge by weight, so aaaaaall the sour patch kids are mine! :D or, well, close.
Nice picspam, Grace! I see you're a Bono girl, then... :wink:

Meant to say hi to you, Ali, in my last post :wave:. Glad to hear you're doing all right-you sure seem like you've got quite the hectic life going on, but if it's all good things you're doing, that's worth it.

Hey there! No worries... yeah, it's all a bit hectic but it's mostly good. :) How are you going?

All those Bono pics :cute: SQUEE!

Just got back from open life drawing. Much fun. Still have yet to get used to naked men. But the last pose was hilariously random-dude-passed-out-in-living-room-esque. And I went and bought a shitton of candy from the campus store afterwards...they charge by weight, so aaaaaall the sour patch kids are mine! :D or, well, close.

Wow... that sounds pretty interesting. I've always thought it must be so strange to be a life model, and stand there nekkid for however long while people draw you and your bits...!
It seems so normal once the models are actually naked. You get used to it pretty fast. Men less fast. Heh...

Edge Night
Keywords: Precepts of the Catholic Church

The goal of this Edge Night is to help the middle school youth learn the precepts of the Church and that they exist to show the faithful what is necessary for us to do to grow in love of God and neighbor.
Edge Night at a Glance

This Edge night tackles a subject some typically view as “minimum requirements” to be fulfilled
Edgetopia -


sorry, no blasphemy intended... :wink:

Bono looks sorta like Patrick Swayze in that last photo from Grace's post :huh:.

Hey there! No worries... yeah, it's all a bit hectic but it's mostly good. :) How are you going?

Good to hear that :).

Things are fine here. Uneventful-work and hanging out with friends every so often, pretty much. If you want some down time you can come trade lives with me :p!

Wow... that sounds pretty interesting. I've always thought it must be so strange to be a life model, and stand there nekkid for however long while people draw you and your bits...!

I've thought that, too. But I imagine, like Katie said, after a while it does become pretty everyday ordinary work. The human body's a natural thing and shouldn't be so strange to look at, but it does often takes a while for people to get over their childlike giggling, going all "OMG they're nekkid hehe!". I don't know why we find naked bodies so funny, but...*Shrugs*.
Things are fine here. Uneventful-work and hanging out with friends every so often, pretty much. If you want some down time you can come trade lives with me :p!

I'll keep that in mind, ta! *L*

I've thought that, too. But I imagine, like Katie said, after a while it does become pretty everyday ordinary work. The human body's a natural thing and shouldn't be so strange to look at, but it does often takes a while for people to get over their childlike giggling, going all "OMG they're nekkid hehe!". I don't know why we find naked bodies so funny, but...*Shrugs*.

Yeah... I'm not sure why people get that giggling response, it's not really funny, I guess it's just that nakedness is so taboo in most of western culture.

Katie, I hope the studio was well heated!

I'd better have a shower and go to the shops... I need to do some practice before I go to dinner!

Nice to see you ladies :wave:
Oh, yeah, our culture still has issues with that. Just, you think we would've dealt with those issues, like, centuries ago, or at least decades ago.

Have fun. Catch ya later :wave:!

:yes: :cute:

I really like the way that sweater looks on Bono in that picture. I have no idea why.

Is that a young Bruce Springsteen I spy? :shifty:

It sure is :).

Must be the only one who sees it, then :reject:. I mean, it's not an exact likeness or anything, but...I dunno. I kinda see a small resembelance.

Maybe I'm just weird :p.
I have to share this photo with you guys that Chelsea took today because I think it's adorable. She had a photo shoot today with the dance company she works for (pics in the photography thread) but she got this one afterward on her way out. One of the dancers and his daughter. :cute:

:yes: :cute:

I really like the way that sweater looks on Bono in that picture. I have no idea why.
It's adorable. That's why.


It sure is :).
And why would he be looking at Bono like that, I wonder? :hmm:

*PLEBAN mind at work*:reject:

Must be the only one who sees it, then :reject:. I mean, it's not an exact likeness or anything, but...I dunno. I kinda see a small resembelance.

Maybe I'm just weird :p.
After you said that, I saw it too.:p
I have to share this photo with you guys that Chelsea took today because I think it's adorable. She had a photo shoot today with the dance company she works for (pics in the photography thread) but she got this one afterward on her way out. One of the dancers and his daughter. :cute:


That guy's got strong hands! I'd be terrified I'd drop the kid!

Cute little girl :cute:. Seeing a dad with his daughter is a heartwarming thing.

LOL! He's used to lifting fully grown women in that exact pose!

Here's a good comparison photo M_A! Ha! And I agree, father daughter sweetness! :cute:


And the great thing is that he's not just standing there posing, he's dancing! LOL. Ballet men are extremely strong!

Wow. Yeah, I've heard that about ballet dancers-I'd imagine you'd have to be, that's more of a workout than many probably assume it is. I've heard a few football players have actually done a bit of ballet to help with their footwork. I think ballet could be quite fun, there's times I think it'd be interesting to try. But then I look at everyone bending their feet and standing on nothing but their tiptoes and just looking at that makes my feet ache and...yeah :p.

That's got to be really awkward sometimes, I bet, having a guy hold you up like that with his hands where they are, and his vision where it is :lol:. Or maybe it's like drawing naked people, in that after a while you don't really notice or you start getting comfortable with it.

It's adorable. That's why.


I'll go with that reason. Especially since it's true :yes:.

And why would he be looking at Bono like that, I wonder? :hmm:

*PLEBAN mind at work*:reject:

Hehe :shifty:.

I see nothing wrong with your line of thinking at all.

After you said that, I saw it too.:p

:lol: Ah, good. So I'm not crazy.

At least, not in regards to that comparison.
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