PGP: Ain't No One F*cks with Tiny Hippo

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I'm not a vegetarian or Bonogirl,but I agree with that 100%


certain exceptions must be made! :D
from comet>>>>>>>
OH>>>> if this is somehow a hot link I copied it direct from screen) plse

*photo of Bono*
(it wouldn't copy for me and I probably no time to find it to quote
from original post)


I have NEVER SEEN this Photo of younger Bono in Leather AND CLIMBING!!!! NEAR :faint:


:shifty: he can climb me ANY time! :drool::drool::drool:

I think it would be safer not to let Bono try to 'improve' your house. He'd only make things worse. Let Edge work, he's smart and logical, while Bono makes tea or something.
from comet>>>>>>>
OH>>>> if this is somehow a hot link I copied it direct from screen) plse


*photo of Bono*
(it wouldn't copy for me and I probably no time to find it to quote
from original post)


I have NEVER SEEN this Photo of younger Bono in Leather AND CLIMBING!!!! NEAR :faint:


:shifty: he can climb me ANY time! :drool::drool::drool:


*fixed it for ya* ;)

And I KNOW RIGHT??? That pic inspired me to make this week's Leather Day thread. LOL!!! I wish it was bigger... my kingdom for that pic in hi res!!! :lol:
I really only wanna see them play with that "hardware".

:shifty: Whose hardware are we talking about now..

Heeey now.

That's what he said.....

Maybe something needs to be plumbed with a snake....

I'm not sure what that means

yes I do

No, no I don't.


Crap, I'm so close to 7K....I'll need to be quiet so I can PICSPAM your heads off.
I'm doing my first 10k race of the year on Sunday, and today I went to go pick up my race package for myself and my running buddy. She lives on Vancouver Island and her husband's a pilot, so I was going to pick her package up, and also pick her up from the little regional airport nearby on the morning of the race.

I showed up, got my package, then tried to find hers. She sometimes uses her married name and other times uses her maiden name, so I had them look her up under multiple combinations, but nada. Looks like she hasn't registered. :sigh: I don't mind running on my own, since I do that regularly, but it would have been nice if she had told me that she hadn't registered and wasn't going to do the run after all.

Hopefully she'll respond to my emails/FB messages that I'd sent throughout this past week, and let me know what's up, since I had been planning to pick her up on the way to the race on Sunday morning. It's fine if she's not doing it, I just would have appreciated a little communication about it all. Grrr.
That sucks Thora, would've been nice if she left you a message.

:lol: Omg Grace! I believe that an "Oh Snap!" is in order here. But then again, wouldn't want to go off topic even more. :wink:
Hi Ali! :hug:

I'm doing fairly well, thanks. :) Glad it's the weekend so I can take it easy for a little bit. :D How are you, other than being super busy?

Good stuff... When's the next run happening?

I'm trying to get fit... :lol: My housemates and I have started doing a 20-minute workout on DVD every day (or close enough)... it hurts but I hope that means it's working! Stairs have suddenly become daunting obstacles. *L*

The band is going pretty well too, although I'm freaking out a bit... I joined about three weeks ago, and three days after that one of the guitarists booked us in to play a (free) gig on the 8th of March! I still can't play all the songs in our set all the way through... :flail:

What else... I got my first pay for the new position (same job, I got brought in-house from an outsourcing company) this week, that was pretty nice... although monthly pays will take some getting used to.

Oh I went to a Doctor Who Symphonic Spectacular... that was awesome in the geekiest and best way possible. :D :nerd:

How are things on the job front with you, I think there was something going on there?

Ali! :flirt: Oh the coincidence of finding you here.

I know, it's spooky isn't it... *L*

Hey there, how's tricks?
Aw, Thora, that does suck. I agree-it's not like she needs to write up an excuse note or anything, but yeah, a simple, "Hey, I'm not going to be there this year" would be nice. I hope you hear back and get it all sorted out.

thats from 3 stages on area, different kind of music on every stage and that was just for friday

here´s a promo vid from last year

Ah, okay. That makes sense if it's a wide variety, then-I was just looking at that list and wondering, "If there's a specific theme here, I'm...not finding it." :p.

Looks like it'd be a neat festival to go to. I wish I could go to a festival once in my life, I've never had the opportunity to do that :(.

I agree with the girls, by the way-much as I love winter, the idea of dipping into a freezing cold lake doesn't really hold any appeal for me. But hey, whatever wakes you up and gets you going for the day :D.

I like fish too. But I don't eat them all. :grumpy:

It's easy to distinguish. You eat the fish you can buy in the supermarket or catch yourself OUTSIDE. You do not eat fish that are kept inside in an aquarium. :grumpy:

:yes: Sounds reasonable to me.

Yay for cute fish! I love that you never bothered with names for them :lol:.

I'm not a vegetarian or Bonogirl,but I agree with that 100%

:lmao: That is awesome.

I don't care if Bono's a proper handyman or not. If he were to show up at my door in a work clothes and a toolbelt...

...why do I suddenly hear, "Bow-chika-wow-wow" music in my head?
Good stuff... When's the next run happening?

I'm trying to get fit... :lol: My housemates and I have started doing a 20-minute workout on DVD every day (or close enough)... it hurts but I hope that means it's working! Stairs have suddenly become daunting obstacles. *L*

The band is going pretty well too, although I'm freaking out a bit... I joined about three weeks ago, and three days after that one of the guitarists booked us in to play a (free) gig on the 8th of March! I still can't play all the songs in our set all the way through... :flail:

What else... I got my first pay for the new position (same job, I got brought in-house from an outsourcing company) this week, that was pretty nice... although monthly pays will take some getting used to.

Oh I went to a Doctor Who Symphonic Spectacular... that was awesome in the geekiest and best way possible. :D :nerd:

How are things on the job front with you, I think there was something going on there?

Sunday morning, as a matter of fact! :lol: First one of the season. I'm a bit freaked out. It's going to be slow going, but the goal for this one is just to finish. The next one won't be until April, so I'll have time to improve my pace before that one. :)

That's awesome that you're getting more active - good for you! :hi5:

Great news about the band and getting a gig! You've still got a few weeks, that should be plenty of time to get up to snuff, right?

The job front is kinda meh. I did have a great opportunity not that long ago, and interviewed, but ultimately lost out to someone with more experience than me. That seems to be the story with every single job that I interview for - they love me, but I come in second place. :sigh: :tsk: :lol:
Sunday morning, as a matter of fact! :lol: First one of the season. I'm a bit freaked out. It's going to be slow going, but the goal for this one is just to finish. The next one won't be until April, so I'll have time to improve my pace before that one. :)

That's awesome that you're getting more active - good for you! :hi5:

Great news about the band and getting a gig! You've still got a few weeks, that should be plenty of time to get up to snuff, right?

The job front is kinda meh. I did have a great opportunity not that long ago, and interviewed, but ultimately lost out to someone with more experience than me. That seems to be the story with every single job that I interview for - they love me, but I come in second place. :sigh: :tsk: :lol:

Blimey! How long is it? I'd probably struggle just to walk it... And isn't it a bit cold to be doing runs up there?

It'll have to be enough time! :lol: I'm a lot more confident now than I was last week, we had a really good rehearsal on Tuesday, much better than the previous week. I love the guitarist's enthusiasm and optimism, but I'll be happier if I get a bit more practice playing in a group with people before we do the next one. This time three weeks ago I'd barely touched my bass in over a year, and had never played in a band before!

Aw, sorry to hear that! :hug: I hate job-searching and interviews, which is why I ended up working where I was for 6 years and being underpaid... but I guess it's worked out okay now. I probably shouldn't have put up with it for that long in the first place, though.

I'm sure you'll find the right job, it's gotta be out there somewhere. :up:
Heeey now.

That's what he said.....

Maybe something needs to be plumbed with a snake....

I'm not sure what that means

yes I do

No, no I don't.


Crap, I'm so close to 7K....I'll need to be quiet so I can PICSPAM your heads off.


You're nearly at 7K! :applaud: Where's the picspam. :waiting:
Ali, is that 20 minute work out called 30 Day Shred?

Thora, you'll do great. I was supposed to run tonight but it was cold and windy and i have am battling a chest cold. Do you run with music?

I think I'm close to a picspam. Is 7K impressive?
Blimey! How long is it? I'd probably struggle just to walk it... And isn't it a bit cold to be doing runs up there?

It'll have to be enough time! :lol: I'm a lot more confident now than I was last week, we had a really good rehearsal on Tuesday, much better than the previous week. I love the guitarist's enthusiasm and optimism, but I'll be happier if I get a bit more practice playing in a group with people before we do the next one. This time three weeks ago I'd barely touched my bass in over a year, and had never played in a band before!

Aw, sorry to hear that! :hug: I hate job-searching and interviews, which is why I ended up working where I was for 6 years and being underpaid... but I guess it's worked out okay now. I probably shouldn't have put up with it for that long in the first place, though.

I'm sure you'll find the right job, it's gotta be out there somewhere. :up:

It's a 10k. That's the longest distance that I run right now. Eventually I'll be getting up to marathon distance, but that's a good ways out yet. No, the temperature isn't bad. It's usually hovering around 7-10C these days. I don't run in the snow, but thankfully our winter has been very mild so far. *knock on wood* I wouldn't be surprised if it snowed once more (although it's not in the forecast), but it seems to have turned the corner into better weather now.

That's just so damn cool that you're in a band. I hope it all goes well! :D

Yup, it definitely does suck. I'm so sick of interviews at this point. :lol: I just want to find a job already so that I don't have to worry and stress about all this (and financial stuff of course) for a long time. I was definitely under-paid for my qualifications in my last job, but that's often the case when working for non-profit organizations, unfortunately. However, I had amazing benefits, good vacation time and great co-workers, so that did help a little bit to make up for the not so great pay. I'm definitely gunning for a higher salary this time around, though. :)

Thanks! I know it's out there. I'm just trying (and not always succeeding) to be patient, and know that it will come when the time is right.
Ali, is that 20 minute work out called 30 Day Shred?


I think I'm close to a picspam. Is 7K impressive?

Why yes, yes it is... Jillian someone. I'm going to get sick of her telling me "we're nearly there" and that she wants me screaming and panting...! :huh:

Have you done that one?

Yay milestone picspams!
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