for the IAAD girls!!

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.


Rock n' Roll Doggie
Jun 4, 2001
Hotter 'n' hell Texas: Dallas
COMPLETELY DE-LISH picture of Lazzer from one of the other U2 boards....oh baby:


And WHO is that guy next door in the exasct same outfit??? Good grief, is he a decoy?? LOL!! (or just a major fashion faux pas?)

RAWR, I say.

There are OTHER U2 boards?? WHERE??

Once again Disco you and I have different taste- I find your 'fashion faux pas' guy very cute and cool! What's up with Larry's shoes? Aren't they a bit huge for pant legs that skinny?

[This message has been edited by U2Kitten (edited 12-14-2001).]
Larry's suit is glowing!


"I turn slightly and catch Bono with half a Perrier bottle in his mouth. He's sucking the thing in such a manner it would put Madonna to shame!"

"I'm very secure with the fact that I'm not black. I'm white, pink and rosy. But I've got soul."

?We make music you can have sex to.?

"Girls boys listen me kiss love fun drink sick kiss cuddle sex swim sea rock and rub." (from the gates of Bono's house)
He'd look gorgeous in a burlap sack. Or out of it, for that matter.


If you are really good friends with The Edge, you can just call him The~ Adam

The right side of my brain is kinda redundant~ Larry
I absolutely LOOOOOVE Larry in this outfit, I guess because it's so rare that we ever see him in a suit of ANDY type ('cept that it has no BOOTINS to pop off, least our eyes would be safe with this one).

And Kitten, hey, never said the dude wasn't cute (in a James Spade-y sort of way), I just cracked up that he's wearing the same exact outfit (tho...not quite as shiney!)

The 'other U2 boards' are over on Yahoo, under Yahoo Groups (U2-List, U2 Tours, etc.) or Yahoo Clubs. You just have to join 'em. (but be warned...they're much less 'excitable' than Pleba!)
oh yeah! Larry is hot...however, i am not a fan of that iridescent suit but he still looks hot! and yes, if he showed up in a burlap sack, I would still drool all over myself...
Disco, don't you think the extra guy is kind of Miami Vice-like? He reminds me of Don Johnson on that show don't you think?
Originally posted by U2Kitten:
What's up with Larry's shoes? Aren't they a bit huge for pant legs that skinny?

[This message has been edited by U2Kitten (edited 12-14-2001).]

the shoes thing seems to be a 'larry' thing. i've noticed the same thing on some older pics...


sunlight, sunlight fills my room
it's sharp and it's clear
but nothing at all like the moon..."

Originally posted by U2Kitten:
Disco, don't you think the extra guy is kind of Miami Vice-like? He reminds me of Don Johnson on that show don't you think?

Very funny...hmmm...wonder if he's going sockless?!

Shoot, I can't find the picture I was really wanting that shows Larry and his big red shoes (the one where he's sitting in front of the moonscape - does anyone have that one?), but I found this one...he seems to like those clodhoppers as much as Bono does:

The shoes rock-the suit makes him look like a big......huge......SALMON FISHY!!!!!!!

The Proud Owner of the ONLY Cardboard Larry!!!

God Bless America and my city, NYC!

Bono urged, "Hey Lawrence, tell them your drummer joke."
"That's a bit mean, asking a drummer to tell a drummer joke," Larry replied, but he told the joke anyway. "Three guys are sittin' down having a rap and the first guy says, 'I'm a nuclear scientist and I have an IQ of 170'. The second guy says, 'I have an IQ of 140 - I'm a neurosurgeon.' The next guy says, 'I have an IQ of seventy.' The other two guys say . . . [You're a drummer!']."

Hee hee! I love Larry!!!!
And drummers! *oops*
larry's shiney.

Happy Hannukah!

"Revolution starts at home, in your heart, in your refusal to compromise your beliefs and your values." - Bono

"And I wear gray underwear." -Bono


Visit my webpage for U2 wallpapers:

You hurt yourself, you hurt your lover, then you discover what you thought was freedom is just greed...
Those are ugly shoes! And big black ones with that suit?

I was thinking he could at least pull out the white patent leather shoes for this outfit!

One love, one life...
Give peace a chance!
Don't let the bastards grind you down!

Bono: I don't walk, I swagger! I sashayed once, but just once. It wasn't for me.
I love Larry's big shoes with that suit...mmm yeah...big shoes...big feet...big...*bluuuush* what does that say about BONO????
("My legs just end!")

Originally posted by hippyactress:
Those are ugly shoes! And big black ones with that suit?

I was thinking he could at least pull out the white patent leather shoes for this outfit!

Nah. We'll leave that up to Edge:

Laaaaarrrry......*drools all over self* :p

BTW, IAAD will be back this week.
I just didn't feel much like posting it last week after everything. I want to see more IAAD supporters too this week ok?

"I sometimes get the odd twinge that I wouldn't mind playing lead guitar, just like a couple of notes, but that's about as near as I would want to get to the front." -Larry
Originally posted by Discoteque:

Nah. We'll leave that up to Edge:


Never thought I'd see this!
Patent leather on Edge

One love, one life...
Give peace a chance!
Don't let the bastards grind you down!

Bono: I don't walk, I swagger! I sashayed once, but just once. It wasn't for me.

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