They're coming to the Netherlands!
Granted, it will be a festival appearance, but still...

They're coming to the Netherlands!
Granted, it will be a festival appearance, but still...
I got to see them last night, and it was an amazing show... really unusual in a good way.
-Sam Beam came out for one of the best performances of the night. I am kicking myself for not being able to come up with what song it was
The song performed with Sam Beam was Neil Young's Out on the Weekend.
Great, great show.
I like the song I don't know how it goes but I nw the chorus "You run When your Miiiiiind is made up, when your miiiiind is made up" something like that..
Thank you!
I'm hoping they might post the show for download here
Played Last Night.com | The Swell Season - 09/29/08 Dallas, TX
A friend passed this along today. Enjoy!!