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Blue Crack Supplier
Sep 6, 2004
Austin, TX
Is anybody watching this? I think it's a cool concept for a show, but it's just not that good.

Garry Marshall is great, Carrie Fisher is breaking my childhood dreams down like a bulldozer, and the convenient other guest judges are lame (Michael Bay is critiquing anything? Really? Go back to making everything look blue and yellow and making mediocre movies there champ.)

i am a reality whore

as bad as it is

it is not as bad as project greenlight

these films are what? Only 2 minutes

and I will also admit

I will probably see Bay's Transformers
I'll see Transformers, too, but I still think Michael Bay has very little talent as a director.
I've been watching it. I enjoy it, but I don't know anybody's names or have anybody in particular that I'm rooting for. Not yet, at least.
I've been watching it too but ya, I can't seem to identify with anyone yet. I remember the guy that did the bakery film and he's done quite well for the past two episodes. And I remember the Canadian guy because his film last week had the 360, one take, shot. Everyone else I'm struggling.

I'm confused on how the format goes. They show 5 contestant's films per week, with one winner I presume, then we have 5 next week and 5 the week after. That leaves 3 remaining. Is that how it goes?
I can't figure out the format either. The show is pretty confusing as to what they're doing each week. Was there even a theme to the films?

Michael Bay -- what a joke. Get over yourself, dude.

And that hostess... even tho she is cute, she is highly annoying. Nails on a chalkboard. :barf:
So the films were decent last night. I liked "Beeline" the best, aka "Slut Mom".

So we now know that they are voting off 1 person from a group of 5 each week. A-HA.

The guest judge was decent too. And I'm really liking the advice that Gary Marshall is giving.
I like "slut mom" too. And the hamburger one. I really didn't care for the last one at all, I thought it was too music videoish. Didn't care for the one from the guy thats totally full of himself. Seemed like a movie trailer not a short film.
Bono's Betty said:
I really didn't care for the last one at all, I thought it was too music videoish. Didn't care for the one from the guy thats totally full of himself. Seemed like a movie trailer not a short film.

I agree.

The first one was cute, the beginning made me nearly get tears in my eyes because I felt sorry for the janitor (yes, I'm an over-sensitive sap, I know). I guess I don't know if I really liked that he turned mean to get revenge, but I guess SOMETHING had to happen.

I think Beeline was the best, it was pretty funny. Her kid sure is cute! The cupid one was okay, I thought the ending was just sort of "eh". :shrug:
I am 'kinda' watching this I guess. I didnt see the big hype about the beeline movie :shrug: It seemed like it was more like a commercial than a movie. I actually really liked the ego guy's movie the best.
They all seem a bit like commercials, I think... or trailers. Its hard to have a complete story in 3 minutes without it turning into that, I think. Coming up with the ideas is the hardest part.
Now that we know they are kicking off one person per week from each group, but have they ever even explained the format to viewers? They could have lost alot of viewers to confusion.

The guy that does the movie trailers really needs to listen to the advice he's had for 2 weeks now and do an actual story. It will be interesting to see what he can come up with next time, a story or he's gone I think. Can't wait to see what Zack(Cdn guy) will do next week.

Who got kicked off last night...I fell asleep?
The guy from Montana ... I forgot what his film was about, but he did the golf one earlier.

I think the producers are making this show up as they go along. Now that's the way to make a TV series! :wink:
The arrogant guy got booted! I was hoping he'd go, but surprised nonetheless.

The "Sunshine Girl" movie was very well done, I think that guy is going to win, deservedly. He's got talent.

I felt sorry for that one chick who did the horror-tree movie. It was pretty bad, but I understand how hard it is to come up with something good! Bet she goes.
Yeah, I was glad he got booted too. He was way too cocky.

I really didn't care too much for any of them, but the sunshine one was the best. I just really didn't like the glass eye one, I felt like it just went on and on and on..and it was pretty obvious what was going to happen. I didn't like the blood one because my understanding is that the guy is a druggie, right? So they are saying his blood is this miracle, but would his blood still be that way if he hadn't been taking the drugs? The drugs that ultimately got him shot? That's at least how I viewed it anyway. Therefore, my interpretation had me taking away no moral from it. I thought that the couple at the table was just a lot of blah, blah, blah, I've seen that before. The tree one...I like the way it was shot, but it was just so pointless. The trees should have attacked or something, there was no story. Dude cuts off branches. The end.
I stopped watching this show. It's so lame and had such potential. :sigh:
LemonMacPhisto said:
I stopped watching this show. It's so lame and had such potential. :sigh:

I watched last week's, and the lameness melted away any hope I may have had for the show. :yikes:

Teh trees where dying :sad: I is scurred. :(
Bonochick said:
I didn't like the blood one because my understanding is that the guy is a druggie, right? So they are saying his blood is this miracle, but would his blood still be that way if he hadn't been taking the drugs? The drugs that ultimately got him shot? That's at least how I viewed it anyway..

I really think he was going for a Christ analogy.
Why are drugs sin? Don't we all sin?
Christ was considered beneath the "regular" people.

He cured the sick and his "blood" save us all.

And who really killed Christ, wasn't it really all of us?
Ah...that makes sense!

Yeah, I would have never gotten that on my own though...obviously. :reject:
not to worry

I just remembered when they did his bio
he talked about his family and christian faith

anyways, I think he is safe
just like before
I think the people will support him
Tree Girl got booted, and rightly so.

I thought all 6 movies were funny/amusing last night. I liked the office fight one the best, but I laughed at all of them (not at them, with them). I'm really rooting for these people and I feel bad when the judges (ie Carrie Fisher) say their film was a "failure". That's harsh & unnecessary, I think.

The weakest film was either the sex romp or the sperm bank ones, but both were at least entertaining. Unlike the hostess who I want to shoot. Has there ever been a more annoying host/ess? jeesh.
I thought the sperm bank one was so stupid, I was surprised they liked it so much. The office one was hysterical. :lol:
So with this being on before Hells Kitchen last night maybe more people watched....

All the films were decent last night. None really stood out for me, but I did like the one where the couple were given the "magic" globe ...

The indian woman's film (forget her name) was a little cringe-worthy. I liked the idea, but it just could have been done better and not so much hitting you over the head. I think she'll probably be one of the two getting kicked off. None of her films were that great to me, actually.
They were all good...except that one with the sunglasses. I felt it was way too preachy and hokey. I didn't like it. The globe one was my favorite.
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