Okay, so U2 lost Album of the Year...but how about Mary J.Blige?

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Jun 24, 2000
I don't care what you all think, Blige's performance of "No More Drama" was a classic Grammy moment. I almost jumped out of my seat when she started jumping up and down. That's a moving performance...even by U2's standards.

U2 has won awards for Stuck in a Moment, Beautiful Day, Elevation, and Walk On, but nothing compares to that performance
Mary J's performance highlighted the fact that ALICIA KEYES is soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo over rated. The fact that Keyes won best R&B album over Mary J is a crime. I've listened to Keyes' album and I feel that it was the most over rated album of the year. The fact that they compare her to Lauryn Hill is comic.
I completely agree. Blige proved to be the better performer. Alicia Keyes may be talented, but I think she's got a while before she can belt out an emotional performance like Blige. Keyes needs encouragement, because she's definitely a prospect, but you know that Blige poured her heart out into her album. Keyes seems to be taking the "safe" road with her rookie start. Her songs are bland and too traditional to make me impressed. India Aire's song "Video" was cool. I'd never heard it before, but now I'm interested in her other work. Keyes DID seem overrated, and I have no desire to listen to more of her sweeping ballads. I'm glad Grammmy voters gave U2 record of the year, because I seriously doubt that Keyes will be worthy of those awards in ten years.
Originally posted by ultraviolet353:
Mary J's performance highlighted the fact that ALICIA KEYES is soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo over rated. The fact that Keyes won best R&B album over Mary J is a crime. I've listened to Keyes' album and I feel that it was the most over rated album of the year. The fact that they compare her to Lauryn Hill is comic.

Yup yup I agree big time. I love me some Mary J Blige. She is a true R&B modern legend and will one day be recognized as such.
What in the hell is in the water up there in Stillwater Danno??

Seriously, I liked Mary J's performance a lot, but after watching 'walk on' again I think you are crazy and maybe even a little bit loopy.

Next your'e gonna tell me how the Cowboys are better than the Sonners

The hunter gets captured by the game
I completely agree Mary J. Blige's performance was awesome. Does anyone know if there are mp3s posted somewhere for the other performances?

Mary J. Blige gave THE best performnce at the Grammies! I could not believe it. I almost cried just watching. That is what the live performance is all about. Everyone in that hall was on their feet after she was done. I'm sure many folks were on their feet at home as well. Give it up for Mary J!

The goal is ELEVATION!

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