Office Space is the shiznit

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Blue Meth Addict
Aug 12, 2000
I just wanted to tell you all who havent seen it, go rent Office Space right now. I was just thinking of that movie, man is it funny. It's the kind of movie that gets funnier the more you watch it. It is most definately the shiznit.

Damn it feels good to be a gangsta.
my desk used to be over by the window, and I could see the squirrels....and they were merry.....:laugh:
poor milton. :laugh:

i saw it on tv, so it was really cut up and perhaps that's why i didn't like it...

dammit, why didn't i read this thread BEFORE i went to the video rental store...that was one hell of a long, cold walk...
stupid no talent ass clown...

:up: i have to have seen it 15 times....and still laugh my ass off every time...:up:
Office Space kicks ass

"No one is this country can ever pronounce my name right. It's not that hard: Nayee-Nanajar. Nayeenanajar."
"Yeah, well, at least you're name isn't Michael Bolton."
"You know, there's nothing wrong with that name."
"There was nothing wrong with it. Until I was about 12 years old, and that no-talent ass-clown became famous and started winning Grammy's."
"Why don't you just go by Mike, instead of Michael?"
"No way! Why should I change it? He's the one who sucks."
lmao, Diemen. :up:

umm, yeahhhhh...I'm gonna need you to come in on Saturday...mmm, yeahhhhh....
u2popmofo said:
I just wanted to tell you all who havent seen it, go rent Office Space right now. I was just thinking of that movie, man is it funny. It's the kind of movie that gets funnier the more you watch it. It is most definately the shiznit.

Damn it feels good to be a gangsta.

Welcome into the fold.
Hey Peter man, change it to channel 9!!!!

She gets around, like a record.
"I generaly come in 15 minutes late"
"Then I come in through the back door so Lumburg dosen't see me"

"Did you get that memo?"

"They did it in Superman3"

"If you want me to wear 37 pieces of flair then why don't you make the minimum 37?"

"I'll tell you what, I'll go next door and get a table"
"If you want to come that's cool'
"If not then that's cool too"

"By next door do you mean Chilli's or Flingers?"


I could go on forever I love this movie so much:)
U2 is also the shiznit. I just realized I've been using the term shiznit all over, havent I? I need to be more careful with my dubbing things "the shiznit".
u2popmofo said:
U2 is also the shiznit. I just realized I've been using the term shiznit all over, havent I? I need to be more careful with my dubbing things "the shiznit".

Well I like it. whatever it means. You might just see me using that word around here...... :yes: :yes: :yes:
yeah, if you use it too much, it cheapens the meaning...but u2 is still the shiznit
arw9797 said:

Well I like it. whatever it means. You might just see me using that word around here...... :yes: :yes: :yes:

You can use it all you want. Just make sure to use, but not abuse.

Seems like I've been abusing it.
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