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Rock n' Roll Doggie Band-aid
Mar 21, 2002
The Kitchen
can you help me
i have lost my way
souls on the corner
wondering about
killing each other
killing me
eating my heart
eating my soul
they drag me down
into that place
that place of aggression
of hate
of wanting
and needed
that lost place
where no one wants to go
death is quite
it is calm
it calls me
it wants me
reassuring my hand
and the knife which it wields
slip of the tongue and
fall of the mind
I think this has a different twist in that suicide is seen more as a violent act, almost as if it's an act against someone else -- maybe that's true, another side of the self takes over and assaults the soul?
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"Death has no right to come so quietly" were Elizabeth Jennings' words (from a poem). During her time in a mental hospital, she saw death firsthand, and eventually killed herself. Mm, just thought I'd share. :|

I know this seems like a really down writing but the odd thing was was that I was not really down when I wrote it.
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