Also static like their set lists is u2 fans complaining about it non stop.
The snippets is where the variation is at
Again, setlist sucks on paper, I know. But there was so much energy tonight. In spite of ABOY, still happy I made the trip.
Glad u had a great time!
Tues audience was high energy, too. Which was great to be around!!! The folks around my whole area cheered when The Blackout started up. And kept on most of the whole show.
I was going to forego this tour because I'm just not in a good place in my life right now. But when I saw that there were still tickets available for March 1st, I just had to go. I have rarely made such a good decision in my life. I cried during the first song...cried so was like my feelings of sadness and worry and heartbreak just all came out of me. But I was in a place I felt safe to release these feelings. I was with My Band, and while I was in the same place as My Band, everything would be okay, if only for a little while. And, it was.

so sorry things are difficult right now, diane.
My RL worries are more down the line (x + months) and I expect YTing, and watching my camera vids from my show will be a
joyous respite from possible nasty stuff, and increase my happiness in good times.
RL thots intruded my experience a few times but about 94% of the show I was rocking out with all I had.
so, yeah, it works way better live than on paper, and weirdly, the weakest part in this show was the strongest part in 2015 (Iris, CW, SBS). Once they show up on the b-stage the roof blows off and it's so much fun -- say what you will about Vertigo/Elevation, they slay live, and Acrobat is worth the price of admission.
then it turns political and i dare you not to cry the tears of the rightous from Pride on.
i think they need to drop all the 2015 stuff and make this tour about fighting Trump Nazis and (one assumes in August) European Fascists.
I still really love Iris. Great song.
I always really liked Elevation and Vertigo
and yeah, they are truly electric live!
E-stage was great, didn't know about the visuals there, so extra great fun!
In my case it was mostly righteous yelling at people being evil on the screen, and the latest despicable actions.
I didn’t realize how many songs from this tour they played again. But I realize it’s because they like the theme and use of sceeen. Iris. Cedar wood road. End of world. Works so well visually and theme wise. Still next tour the theme I want is just a band on a stage killing it.
you see the Apollo vids, yet? Almost surreal, but really great!I
2 hours of heavy handed politically themed lecturing from a group of millionaire tax dodging rock stars.... yeah, millions of concert goers would love to shell out hundreds of dollars a seat for that.

well it's not like they were born with silver spoons in their mouths, like a certain Head of State (gack

) we know of. They
earned their millions through hard work, individual talents, and synergistic blending of said creativity.
Be glad to hear more powerful political songs, and use of the ones they have.
Worked fine for Roger Waters.
I'd be happy to see U2 turn people off instead of trying to straddle the middle. I heard a guy yell "ahh fuck you" as soon as the Charlottesville footage came up. I don't need to share air with that kind of ignorance. Let them walk out and never return.
Great post, glad you had such a good time. I was also going to forego this tour, for a lot of reasons (distance, saw U2 twice last year, nobody else wanted to make the trip to Chicago, kids, work, $, etc etc etc). But I made myself go, even though I had to go by myself. The feeling was just as you described. For 2 hours, it was just me and my favorite band. For 2 hours, nothing else was on my mind... it was perfect. I will see U2 as many times as I can for as long as I can. I can’t believe I thought about not going.
There are 4 major arenas in NYC Metro... MSG, Barclays, Prudential and the Coliseum. They're building a 5th for the Islanders near Belmont Racetrack.
There's also a smaller arena in Bridgeport, which is technically speaking within the metro area.
There's a lot of places to play, is what I'm saying.
Ha! I thot Prudential was Nassau Col renamed!

Very, very, very happy I got to see/hear them once more, esp for an album I really love!