new album colors

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Rock n' Roll Doggie Band-aid
Dec 2, 2000
Best of 1990-2000: silver.
ATYCLB: black and white.
pop: colors abound.
Best of 1980-90: green/khaki.

new album:


No, the new album is gonna be brown, just like "The Fly". Or maybe aquamarine just like "Until the End of the World" or "Beautiful Day". But I still say it?s brown.

ATYCLB= I?d say it?s black and white.
Kite - Pink
Wild Honey - Yellow

POP and Achtung Baby = it?s like a discotheque. too many colors

Zooropa = Yellow

Joshua Tree = black and white
In God?s Country - Yellow
Trip Trough Your Eyes - Red
[RTST and WOWY = they are black but they are pink too]

You know, that's not a bad idea, come to think of it. Of course, then I'd have to get paid handsome royalties for the use of my name, and there would be spin offs and contractual obligations, perhaps endorsements. It would get far too complicated. That's probably the only reason why the band wouldn't go for it in the end.
The walls in my room are two-toned: beige and sandstone/capuccino, with a white stripe separating them. My furniture, including the CD shelves is a bleached oak, so naturally I'd prefer something that matches. :wink:
Why not no colour whatsoever? Now THAT would be interesting.
Saves them money, too. Not like they need to save any, though. Maybe they could send the money they save to me ...
Well since POP was a myriad of colors and ATYCLB was mere black and white.

I would guess they would go simple but colorful.

Deep Blue and Red.

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