National Hockey League 2011-2012

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Worst combined goaltending performances I've ever seen, and arguably the worst goaltending performance in playoff history by Marc-Andre Fleury. Well, that remains to be seen. If he shits the bed again in game 5.

4 players just got game misconducts. What's the tally on the series? More misconducts or more goals? Tough call.
All the goonery in the Philly/Pitt series is eclipsing some of the worst goaltending I have ever seen.

What the hell is either teem going to do if they survive the first round and go up against a team with an actual good goalie?
Pens score 10? Holy crap!

What a game!! I knew the Canucks would come out fighting, but I wish they'd shown up like this a few games earlier. Sunday's gonna be wild!

:hyper: They avoided the sweep, a lot of luck and determination, now just gotta keep momentum up for Sunday.

Schniderman gets the start from here on until he proves otherwise. It's not that Luongo was bad, but Schinderman was there when it counted last night. He starts game 5. I think LA were a bit under prepared for more than one Sedin on the Canucks powerplay as well, I think they'll tighten up the defence (again) in Game 5.

By the way Sharon, the Hockey gear arrived (already) yesterday for me. I watched the game in my brand new Booth jersey, so I guess for now its lucky 7 :)
Pens score 10? Holy crap!

:hyper: They avoided the sweep, a lot of luck and determination, now just gotta keep momentum up for Sunday.

Schniderman gets the start from here on until he proves otherwise. It's not that Luongo was bad, but Schinderman was there when it counted last night. He starts game 5. I think LA were a bit under prepared for more than one Sedin on the Canucks powerplay as well, I think they'll tighten up the defence (again) in Game 5.

By the way Sharon, the Hockey gear arrived (already) yesterday for me. I watched the game in my brand new Booth jersey, so I guess for now its lucky 7 :)

There's been lots of chat on my Twitter feed about how Lu's played his last game as a Canuck. I think Schneid's going to get the start for game 5, but I'm not convinced Lu's done just yet. I wouldn't be shocked if he gets traded after the end of the season, whenever that comes, but I think AV will give him another chance to play, should we continue on past game 5.

Wow, that got there faster than I expected. Glad it arrived safely! :up:
Lu and Briz sure look like giant boondoggles at the moment.

I wonder what the buyout regulations will look like after a new CBA gets negotiated for next season....
There's been lots of chat on my Twitter feed about how Lu's played his last game as a Canuck. I think Schneid's going to get the start for game 5, but I'm not convinced Lu's done just yet. I wouldn't be shocked if he gets traded after the end of the season, whenever that comes, but I think AV will give him another chance to play, should we continue on past game 5.

Wow, that got there faster than I expected. Glad it arrived safely! :up:

He's definitely not done if they get out of this first round. Maybe he'd play game 6 if the Canucks win on Sunday. The team just looked so much better last night.

The Providence newspaper (I don't know if they are respectable or not, cause I'm from Australia :laugh:) Reckon Toronto, Detroit or Tampa Bay would be likely places he could go.

Same here, less than a week? Awesome!
He'll be tough to trade with that contract.

There are always ways. If he wants out, they'll figure some way of getting around it.

He's definitely not done if they get out of this first round. Maybe he'd play game 6 if the Canucks win on Sunday. The team just looked so much better last night.

The Providence newspaper (I don't know if they are respectable or not, cause I'm from Australia :laugh:) Reckon Toronto, Detroit or Tampa Bay would be likely places he could go.

Same here, less than a week? Awesome!

They definitely looked great. I think Daniel being back in the lineup gave them a great confidence boost.

The Province is one of the trashier papers here, but I've heard Tampa mentioned from more respectable sources. We'll see what happens.
He's definitely not done if they get out of this first round. Maybe he'd play game 6 if the Canucks win on Sunday. The team just looked so much better last night.

The Providence newspaper (I don't know if they are respectable or not, cause I'm from Australia :laugh:) Reckon Toronto, Detroit or Tampa Bay would be likely places he could go.

Same here, less than a week? Awesome!

There was some discussion last night on Twitter from a few fans who thought he should come to TO. Me, I'm not so sure... He'd be an improvement for our goaltending woes, but Toronto is second only to Montreal in team media scrutiny - if people think what he's getting in Vancouver right now is bad, it'd be 10x worse here. Our defense is currently much worse than Van's too, he'd be facing a hell of a lot more shots night in and night out... I respect him and he's still a good goalie, but even if they get around things I don't think TO's right for him.
I can't see him coming to Toronto for two major reasons:

1. Burke an Nonis have a terrible relationship with Gillis.

2. He has a front loaded contract with 10 years remaining, Burke refuses to give these kind of contracts, I doubt he will take one on.
Because he has a fat ass contract and he's not this deadweight goalie everyone is trying to make him out to be. He has much more value than he'd get on the market.

Hockey GMs don't eat large contracts without getting good deals. Take a look at the Brian Campbell deal. Rostislav Olesz? Hawks fans, bend it any way you want. You're paying a guy to not be in the NHL and we're paying a guy double that to be an all-star. Both overpaid, but arbitrary because in terms of contribution to their team, that's like dividing by zero.

But that was just a little tangent (and an extreme case). Why the hell would Vancouver ship an all-star goalie for a disproportionate return value versus Luongo's actual value on the ice? They can ship Corey Schnieder away and get the exact opposite of that. More value than he's worth on the market.

Fans/newspapers/speculators can say what they want. If someone is playing his way out of a job right now it's Corey Schnieder with good play in the playoffs.

All of this of course is saving aside the idea that a tremendously stupid GM goes about and pays an arm and a leg to pay for Gillis' mistakes. Could happen. Wouldn't bet on it.
it will be weird (and probably bad for ratings) if Detroit, Vancouver, Chicago and San Jose all lose in the first round
Stretcher on the ice on nationally-televised game = NHL will super over-react.

Even if it was a measly one hour in the hospital for Hossa and he was fine.

Ugh. Catering to the knuckle-dragger PTI audience who only view NHL news when it's a dirty hit or suspension or stretcher.
Yeah well this is clearly a case of 'we're suspending him because of the outcome and not because of the intent'.

That was a play where the intent appeared to Torres trying to make a big hit and an energy changing play. It didn't turn out properly. He deserved a suspension. Not 25 games.

Yet you have James Neal hitting a player off the puck, from the back, in the head, etc. etc. and a repeat offender in a single game and no serious punishment is made. Guarantee you if Couturier were to get seriously injured, Neal would've faced more serious repercussions.

Which is incredibly stupid if you're not going to reprimand people who are intentionally trying to hurt somebody while the most serious of repercussions are being handed out to plays half as intentional but with a more serious outcome.
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