National Hockey League 2011-2012

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By Neal? Yeah, off the puck hit on Cooter and then he elbowed G in the head. They should have tossed him. Instead, they gave him a minor and made him skate across the ice, which was just asking for trouble. He and Simmer ended up getting into it.

I could not be happier about being up on a team than the Pens.
Watching the Penguins lose it and self-destruct at the end of the 3rd period vs. the Flyers was the biggest catharsis for leaguewide neutral observers since seeing Vancouver shit the bed in the Boston Garden last SCFs.
Other than the obnoxious Vancouver Canucks, my pool is doing well.

Unfortunately, the Vancouver Canucks are my most valuable pick. They better pull off a miracle. I want my $300.
Watching the Penguins lose it and self-destruct at the end of the 3rd period vs. the Flyers was the biggest catharsis for leaguewide neutral observers since seeing Vancouver shit the bed in the Boston Garden last SCFs.
Living in a town with 15,000 or so Pens fans, let me tell you something: this series has been awesome.
Maybe it'll be like the final game in Slapshot.
Crosby can be the p*ssy who does a striptease on the ice while the other players beat the crap out of one another.
Devils/Panthers somehow found some wild offense in game 3.

Devils jump out to a 3-0 lead (third time either team has done that in this series).

Panthers pulled it to a 1 goal game (third time either team has done this, as well).

Panthers jump out to a 4-3 lead early in the 2nd. Wild game so far... flipping awesome though. So exciting to watch.
James Neal gets one game for the hit on Giroux. Shanahan "accepted Neal's explanation that he jumped to brace for contact with Couturier."

Shanahan should be fired on the spot.
I don't think the jump should be a big deal.

The matter of fact is that the hit on Couturier was blind-sided, way off the puck, and to the head. What more do you need? A laser guided target system?

I haven't had cable in months, so I couldn't watch shit this season.

A real choke from the Blackhawks, but that was an entertaining game. This is an insanely even series, it could go either way really, but not if you're missing that many opportunities to seal it off. Lame. No question that Hossa would have made a huge difference.
It's funny, there's a lot of 'failure to bury the game' nonsense going around.

Philly tramples Pittsburgh after Pittsburgh jumps out to leads... Devils and Panthers can't make 3-0 look pretty for shit... Chicago coughs it up after 2 games of Phoenix coughing it up in the final 20 seconds... Rangers coughing up the lead and losing in OT to Ottawa... seems like the only series where leads hold up are St. Louis and Nashville series.
I have to say I am absolutely loving these wacky, completely dirty and brutal, old-timey hockey playoffs.
You just can't blow 3-goal leads like that in the playoffs. For shame NJ. And I really do like them as a team, though they're not in my pool.

Nashville has paid off for me. Pekka Rinne is just fantastic.

Some great hockey tonight!
These playoffs have been crazy, and a real turn off for me, personally. Amidst some great hockey, there have been a plethora of ugly moments. But the real disappointment for me is that ratings are up, and in a relatively big way. What incentive will the NHL have to change the culture? It'll take someone getting paralyzed or killed for things to happen, but by then it'll be too late.
The NHL is going to be just like NASCAR, it took one of their biggest stars(Dale Earnhardt) to be killed before they really took driver safety seriously. So I don't expect Bettman to do anything until something really bad happens.

I feel there is a lack of respect amongst the players. I think it revolves around the instigator penalty. Before that rule was enacted, if you took liberties with a team's star player, you know you would have to answer for it. Now, they can't stick up for their teammates, so players are like pinballs hitting everything in sight. They know they can injure someone and don't have to pay for it later.
Oh come on. A year ago everyone's bitching because they're being 'too soft' and now they're bitching because they're not taking enough action?

I mean yeah, some fucked up shit is getting through, but this is not Dale Earnhardt.
Total loss of discipline by the Flyers, at least in the first two periods.
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