Mynt Lounge, Werribee Superthread

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There is a male model DJ playing at Mynt tonight. I will not be there, continuing perhaps now the longest non-Mynt-going streak since I turned 18.
Genre tags are just on the basis of what people vote. Looks like you don't have too much weighting on your votes yet. I've got full weighting, so I'll drop some votes when I hear it.
In fact, Traviud, you might even get the completely significant and exceedingly important honour of being my 2,000th rating on RYM. Now THERE is something to put in a media kit! :happy: :up:
If it's the first Disinfectant Trifecta anything you give a 4+, that would be icing on the cake. I'm not sure what anybody is going to think of this album (not a LOT OF HITS), but I am really proud of it. Only two songs with drum machines!
I'm a bit stingy on the 4s these days, but what I've heard already was pretty cool, so we'll see. Will download in a bit once a couple of other downloads stop hogging my bandwidth.

On an unrelated note, I hate it when you see an artist you like has an upcoming release, only for it to be something worthless. I saw Pains show up in my RYM upcoming box, and thought "ooh, a new EP? Talk to me!", only to discover that it's just four remixes. Woop-dee-fucking-doo, why would I want that?
There's a fucking mixtape compiled by Titus Andronicus in my upcoming releases.

Oh, and hey, a DAYTROTTER SESSION by a band I don't like that much! Woooo
Those Daytrotter Sessions are always so ... "sterile" I think is probably the best word. They lack the polish and punch of a good studio recording or the energy and atmosphere of a good live one.
I've never heard one, but they receive middling ratings and clog up my upcoming releases, so I am by no means interested in doing so.
Yeah, you aren't missing anything, judging by the handful that I've listened to. Also, although their artwork (drawings of the artists) is sometimes accurate, it's sometimes hilariously off.

Oh, and am I the only person who thinks the main guitar riff of Falling Down by Chapterhouse sounds eerily like part of Mysterious Ways? Came out a year earlier too. Just listening to the Freefall EP version, which unlike Something More on the Sunburst EP isn't too drastically different from its album version.

Yeah, get out headphones if you got em, I put a fair deal of effort into the production and atmosphere on this one, relative to the last couple.

Curious to hear what you have to say about the drums, Reggo, since they're largely hand-played (with an electronic set).
Track 1: In The Air

It's eclectic. I'm not quite sure what to think of this one. The character in this song is dark, almost disturbed. I don't want you to take this the wrong way, cause I loved all the music I listened to compiling my nightmare DI list, but this is in that same vein. Kind of Tom Waits-ish, using the electric guitar over the acoustic to accentuate the frenzy in the character's head. It's interesting, multi-layered.
Still waiting for download to finish because the Intarwebz won't co-operate and dropped out a couple of times. Hmpf.
My thoughts on In The Air:

I had a vision in mind for Ramblewood as a whole, predictably, it did not pan out fully, but In The Air cobbles together many of the disparate influences I had in mind, including Syd Barrett, Microphones, Skip Spence, etc. Really unsettling track and gripping intro to the record, one of the best tracks, if only for the batshit crazy guitar (think Eight Miles High) and monstrous outro.
Losing health units, must rest.

Brain and body are calling out for me to go to bed. I'll give this another spin probably Sunday.
Ha, I figured this would be a little late for you to start an album. Night, Reggo!

How's your internets, Ax?

It was ostensibly upgraded at the start of the month, and when it actually works (like this morning!), it's niiice, but it keeps having seizures (i.e. dropping out repeatedly, never staying up for more than a couple of minutes), or just going agonisingly slow.

Oh well, we move in ten days or so. Hopefully shit'll be sorted out at the new place.

Think I won't be able to spin the album until tomorrow though Traviud, sorry! But I'll be sure to post thoughts.
Well, shite indeed then! Let me know when you have a chance to listen. So far, I've got that Reggo seems to enjoy the opener. :hyper:
So I'm listening to some black metal from Jamaica right now while I pack up stuff for our move.
That probably exists out there, but this was pretty raw black metal sort of stuff! Would never pick it as from Jamaica if I didn't know.

Unfortunately, it wasn't tremendously good. Not to say it was bad, just ... meh.
Bad Brains' debut contained both reggae and hardcore songs, but they weren't really integrated into the same tracks. I have no idea how a true reggae/metal chimera would sound, but that's definitely the closest I've come. I wouldn't be surprised, not one little bit, if such a thing existed though!
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