My son, the U2 converter

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.


The Fly
Mar 14, 2001
Andover, MN
My freshmen son in his 9th grade honors English course is in a segment where each student brings in an inspirational song that, while playing, everyone rights their thoughts about.

He chose 'Where The Streets Have No Name' and as a result 2 of his fellow students went out and bought U2 CDs (one bought the Best of w/B-Sides and the other bought ATYCLB).

I wonder where my son got his U2 fanaticism from?
Originally posted by cm:
...(one bought the Best of w/B-Sides and the other bought ATYCLB).

I wonder where my son got his U2 fanaticism from?

*Wonders where he found the B-sides CD...*

"It's no secret that our world is in darkness tonight..."
The Best of w/B-Sides can easily be found at Best Buy stores. They must be pressing new ones as our Best Buy had dozens of them.
Originally posted by cm:
The Best of w/B-Sides can easily be found at Best Buy stores. They must be pressing new ones as our Best Buy had dozens of them.

Yes, to coincide with the release of the Boston DVD, Best Buy has TONS of the Best of with B-Sides discs available.

So for those who missed out the first time around, this is your chance!

"I don't know you,
But you don't know the half of it..."
Cool story cm! U2 spread the love

"To me a rock and roll concert is 3-D, it?s a physical thing - it?s rhythm for the body. It?s a mental thing in that it should be intellectually challenging. But it?s also a spiritual thing, because it?s a community, it?s people agreeing on something, even if it?s only for an hour and a half." (Bono, as quoted in the book U2 The Road to Pop)
Originally posted by Bonochick:
Yes, to coincide with the release of the Boston DVD, Best Buy has TONS of the Best of with B-Sides discs available.

So for those who missed out the first time around, this is your chance!

So glad I spent $40 on a used copy of this so-called limited edition CD. No I am not bitter, no not at all. grrr

"It's no secret that our world is in darkness tonight..."
I really enjoy hearing stories like this cm. As a 30 year old U2 fan, it is nice to see the next generation embrace U2. What separates the best bands from the rest is this ability to transcend generational identities. No gimmicks can create this. You either have that sound or you don't.

It furthers U2's Beatles-like status. You can't beat the Beatles (the first ever true rock n' roll band), but you can join them.
I need to learn to spell 'writes'. Boy would my son be embarrassed.

I must have been thinking of 'stand up for your rights'.
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