Moneymore, Wicklow, Ireland, Paul McGuinness' I mean Superthread

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like harrison ford I'm gettinf ranitc
like sting i'm tanticr
like kurosawa I make mad filsm
oi aI don't make films
bu if I did they'd have asmaurai
I was going to say sonthing, but I forgot what it was, but since I' mba postorwhoe, I'm posting anyways
A vision of the future: The Superthread made by drunkKim.

wiph me whpoo maa gtea soopretghereasd

o far, we've visited:

1. Pop Survivor Round One
2. Australia Discotheque style
7. EYKIW/Liechtenstein
9. 'Straya
10. Sheikh Djibouti
11. Te Urewera National Park
12. Have you been to Inaccessible Island?
13. Lodgepole, Nebraska
14. Bangaluru, which was Bangin'
15. TaumatawhakatangihangakoauauotamateaturipukMOTHERFUCKERakapikimaungahoronukupokaiwhenuakitanatahu
16. Territorial Collectivity of Saint Pierre and Michelin
17. Ouagadougou
18. Dominican Republic
19. Longyearbyen, Spitsbergen
20. Fernando de Noronha
21. Kyzyl, aka Fuck Vowels
22. Torquay, aka Fawlty Towers
23. Pay the Bill, Wyoming
24. Fenway Park Smells Like Dirty Ass
25. Vazza's postwhoring in the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic
26. Bumberry Muffins, NSW

nwo wer;eere ni wahioop maws whoppo msda gaetyr yotirk i tieri;d sop gpo baed
OH wait, I remember.

I finished the msirnof, but I' drawigthe line at 6 drinks ,no more.

so the totali s 3 gubnnes 3 smirnofff
I can't wait to make my next thread. I have some list vandalism organised.

In all seriousness, I support you doing the next thread. As funny as a fucked up thread would be, we've already tragically lost one thread recently. :sad:
Im so runk I forgot Kim's name, ax's most recent post finally reminded me, that ws dring me nuts
Ashley, I'm impressed. I thought you were more of a lightweight than this!

Though from my own experience, Guinness isn't exactly the most intoxicating drink in the world.
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