Moment Of Surrender Appreciation Thread

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i don't understand the comparisons to One. the only other comparison I can make to Moment of Surrender is still haven't found. Similar in the gospel type of nature, and to me, I feel as though the lyrics/person in Still Haven't Found could be picking up 22 years later in MOS. I.e., they finally found what they were looking for, but not in the way or form expected. "I have climbed highest mountain...through the fields...have kissed honey lips".... "I've been in every black hole, at the altar of the dark star" so the person finally "finds" what they're looking for (God/acceptance/realization of the higher power/ grand scheme of life or afterlife or whatever), but it's after a long journey finally capping with a near mental breakdown, but finally finding what they're looking for and surrendering to it.

I could be nuts though.
so what if i go out there and say one of the *cough* 'stronger' songs of the new album is wank?

am i at least entitled to have my own opinion here?

"free speech" anyone?
the thing is the song lacks a hook or a riff, it just meanders... and goes on and on and on...

bono's not the greatest lyricist ever y'know?

You just said it was trying to be One, now which is it? Is it a straight forward pop song with a hook, or is it more linear?

Yes, but you also think Martin Gore, who's been writing the same song over and over for decades is a great lyricist...
so what if i go out there and say one of the *cough* 'stronger' songs of the new album is wank?

am i at least entitled to have my own opinion here?

"free speech" anyone?

You can have any opinion you want, but when you go further to state it's trying to be ____ and then nothing to back it up, that opinion loses some of it's strength... actually in this case it just falls flat.
Time will judge who is right?But I believe that this song is right up there with best u2 songs! one of the best...for sure.Incredible bonos vocal(so full of emotion and pain),incredible production-gospel,blues,rock...great,impressive...fantastic edges solo-so emotional...great drumming and especially magic bass...all in all strong candidate for huge u2 anthem! If someone hates this song...Iam sorry for him:applaud:
the thing is the song lacks a hook or a riff, it just meanders... and goes on and on and on...

Interesting, that's exactly why I love it, but I can understand why you might not find that endearing. It's a matter of taste of course, since I find the wallop over the head riff of 'Get on your Boots' a little grating. I also can't get the hook 'I did not notice the passers-by and they did not notice me' out of my head. Each to their own though I suppose.

But to get back to 'Moment of Surrender' - this really is the best thing U2 have done since 'Please' at least. It's in another world to anything they've done this decade certainly. What I love about it is that sound - who does this sound like? Pretty much nobody else I've ever heard and certainly not U2 (which is a good thing), although the chorus does remind me a bit of the '21st century soul' of Brian Eno and David Byrne's (patchy) Everything That Happens Will Happen Today from 2008.

I didn't think we'd ever get to hear a song as good as this from U2 again to be honest. Everything about it is just superb. I still find it hard to believe that the song is 7.20 when I've finished listening to it. Great lyric, great vocal from Bono, superb chorus (melody courtesy Daniel Lanois according to Rolling Stone), great broken cartwheel sequence in the background, great keyboard bridge (one of the highlights of the album), and, well, this could go on, couldn't it?

This is one of my favorite songs. :)

Anyway, my daughter, who's a freshman in high school, has been working on a poetry project, studying the various types, etc. A portion of the assignment was to choose a poetic song, and share it with the class. She had to identify the various types of poetry, rhyming, imagery, etc in the song.

She chose MoS (I'm so proud!). :heart: I've raised my children well. :p So, today, in a ninth grade class room, MoS will be playing and the class will be studying the lyrics and theme of the song. How cool is that?
i don't understand the comparisons to One. the only other comparison I can make to Moment of Surrender is still haven't found. Similar in the gospel type of nature, and to me, I feel as though the lyrics/person in Still Haven't Found could be picking up 22 years later in MOS. I.e., they finally found what they were looking for, but not in the way or form expected. "I have climbed highest mountain...through the fields...have kissed honey lips".... "I've been in every black hole, at the altar of the dark star" so the person finally "finds" what they're looking for (God/acceptance/realization of the higher power/ grand scheme of life or afterlife or whatever), but it's after a long journey finally capping with a near mental breakdown, but finally finding what they're looking for and surrendering to it.

I could be nuts though.

I think it's similar to One in that both are jaw-droppingly beautiful, with truly heart-breaking lyrics. They might not be similar when you analyze them note-for-note, but they're both equally majestic.
You just said it was trying to be One, now which is it? Is it a straight forward pop song with a hook, or is it more linear?

Yes, but you also think Martin Gore, who's been writing the same song over and over for decades is a great lyricist...

you are so wrong on Martin Gore
you are so wrong on Martin Gore

Really... You have songs about sex or loss. You throw in some vague religious imagery, use words like damage broken dirty fragile a lot, and everyone will think you are dark and poetic...

I'm sorry but his lyrics have become so cliched.
Really... You have songs about sex or loss. You throw in some vague religious imagery, use words like damage broken dirty fragile a lot, and everyone will think you are dark and poetic...

I'm sorry but his lyrics have become so cliched.

Well I guess he's not the genius song writer you are.
MOS is pure magic for me, one of the best songs ever. I can understand the comparison with One in this sense, they are two completely different songs, both musically and lyrically, but they both can catch the listener from the first note and instantly transport him/her to another place with a different feeling, they both have real beauty in them.

BTW, you may not know some lyrics by Bono are studied at university seminars on contemporary poetry, but they are.
I like the song a lot, but it is far from great--it doesn't go anywhere. The first verse is amazing, but the song meanders--I think it is closer to So Cruel than One. I even like 'So Cruel' better--
MOS is pure magic for me, one of the best songs ever. I can understand the comparison with One in this sense, they are two completely different songs, both musically and lyrically, but they both can catch the listener from the first note and instantly transport him/her to another place with a different feeling, they both have real beauty in them.
i could see them doing it live this way--what i like about this version is the song builds to a crescendo at the end which the original does not, and could have used.
i could see them doing it live this way--what i like about this version is the song builds to a crescendo at the end which the original does not, and could have used.

To me this is one of the reasons I love it so much.

This song could have easily built into a crescendo, but they decided to be subtle. To me the crescendo is there it's just implied and not done for you... that's not easy to do in song writing.

I have a feeling live they will put in the crescendo, it will need it live.
I prefer they perform this song like the album with the keyboard parts in the background,bass thumping,with Larry playing awesome beat,guitar chiming a little,and Bono singing a masterpeice.
I really think this is one of their best of all time...cant stop listening to it...its so beautiful and will be even better live
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