MLB 2010 - The First

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Not sure when this became serious or why. He has been a member here for years. Us Red Sox fans in particular had just as much fun with him when he was Lackey. This is no different, regardless of the inept player he chose this time. In fact, it's even more entertaining now because of that.
Gotta go with Phanan on this one. The guy's ridiculous and picked a huge scrub as his boy, but it doesn't ruin the thread or anything. If anything, Dickie Dub's struggles at the plate make me appreciate his fanboy's misguided antics all the more because you know deep down he's devastated Dick is a shitty player.
I dont normally read baseball threads, so bringing it to my attention is the most productive way to go about lobbying a complaint or 'violation'.

I discussed this with him when I allowed the alter. If its just going to stir shit and piss everyone off then it goes.

Yeah this wasn't really something that I felt too strongly about so I wasn't going to petition mods about it. More pathetic and annoying than anything else; can't really say the guy is being disruptive, insulting, whatever.
I dont post in here so it doesnt really effect me, but if the regular posters here are that upset about it then it becomes a problem. If you all are fine with it and just expressing light hearted annoyance then I suppose ignore list is the way to go.
B Wood has provided us with some good laughs. I say keep him here as long as his BA doesn't fall below .050
From Interference Policies and Rules:

"Trolling: Intentionally disrupting a forum by posting obviously inaccurate or inflammatory information and/or hoping to get a rise out of people. The perpetrators are known as 'trolls'. This also may also apply to our members who decide to 'troll' other forums. Should this lead to problems on OUR forum because of it, you may be banned.

*An 'Internet troll' or 'Forum Troll' or 'Message Board Troll' is a person who posts outrageous or sarcastic messages to bait people to answer."


"In general, using alters to violate Forum Rules/FAQs, voting multiple times in polls, as well as other common sense 'no-nos' will result in the banning of the alters and possibly the banning of the original username. Remember that alters are a privilege."

Still sounds like it's arguably in violation.

Regardless, we should definitely all commit to Headache's suggestion of blocking.
Wow, really? And here I thought you were worth debating with. My mistake. I'll stay away from you.
I haven't blocked him as I find him to be comic relief.

Not sure when this became serious or why. He has been a member here for years. Us Red Sox fans in particular had just as much fun with him when he was Lackey. This is no different, regardless of the inept player he chose this time. In fact, it's even more entertaining now because of that.

Third. He cracks me up in the pathetic way he tries to pretend he's still supportive of Dick.
Hewson's referenced my "pub crawler" username several times. This is no secret

Yeah, I thought it was common knowledge.

And I'm not sure what all the fuss is about. I thought we were all having a good laugh with all of this.
I'm sorry your being persecuted pubbie.
If nobody objected to the antics of John Lackey for 5 years, can't see why anyone would now object to the legend of Dick fact as phanan pointed out, due to Wood's ineptitude (last 2 games notwithstanding), this alter has provided the rest of us more laughter.
i like dick. wait, wut?

we give him more of a hard time over the slow start than he gives us over the occasional bloop single.

don't take it personal man. i know i want you to stick around :up:
Wow, Dick Lackey wasn't at all who I thought it/he/she was.

I always assumed it was Mr BAW, I think something said years ago convinced me of this :shrug:
I blame those of you who whined about Dick Wood for his sudden resurgance (can you call it a "re" surgance if there was never an initial surge?) at the've ruined all the fun.

Dick went deep last night. That's right, Dick Wood hit one long and hard in the 9th inning.
allow me these few hours to gloat, for i don't know how long it'll last, but...

i'm surprised DW isn't in here gloating. but he's probably been furiously rubbing one out to highlights on sportscenter

good job though
i'm surprised DW isn't in here gloating. but he's probably been furiously rubbing one out to highlights on sportscenter

good job though

I will be at those hallowed halls in June. How can I concentrate on a U2 concert when I know a HR has been hit there by Dick Wood?

I am blessed. :wave:
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