MLB 2010 - The First

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next monday's headline... "look who's in last... again."
Actually if Pelfrey can keep it up and Johan is pretty much Johan, the Mets should stay fairly competetive. Don't think they can beat the Phils in the long run, but I don't think they'll be anywhere near the cellar.
i know i actually do too... i'm just hedging my bets considering that they have the phillies this weekend...

and jerry manuel is sitll their manager.

they still need another starter. the hope i have is that they can stay in the hunt for at least the wild card and can find another good starter to take the place of either perez or maine, right around the same time they get beltran back.
i'm at work and sometimes images are blocked. but i hope you posted a pic of a broom.

if not, i got your back

Just think what the Phillies would be like if you subbed out Moyer for Lee....
Yeah, I thought it was common knowledge.

And I'm not sure what all the fuss is about. I thought we were all having a good laugh with all of this.
I'm sorry your being persecuted pubbie.
If nobody objected to the antics of John Lackey for 5 years, can't see why anyone would now object to the legend of Dick fact as phanan pointed out, due to Wood's ineptitude (last 2 games notwithstanding), this alter has provided the rest of us more laughter.

Just between you and me, Hewson - and I really do ask you to keep this quiet - I'm also "Alan Jamison," the British chap who smokes 11.5 Marlboro cigarettes per day. My ol' pal zoney has alluded to this fact in the mlb thread over the years, but I don't think anyone ever caught on. So let's keep it that way. It's a secret between you, me and zoney.

Just think what the Phillies would be like if you subbed out Moyer for Lee....
I don't like to think about it, because it's not feasible. We didn't have the money to keep both of them. Of course, everyone in Philly is outraged that they're not 18-2 and blame the whole thing on the Lee trade, when in reality that's not got much to do with it.
Except the hot dogs are shitty on dollar night. Stick with the garlic fries from Fry Depot in right field and you'll be golden.

Of course, that's a moot point what with the game finishing about an hour ago. The fuck, Neftali? Get it together, man.
Except the hot dogs are shitty on dollar night. Stick with the garlic fries from Fry Depot in right field and you'll be golden.

Of course, that's a moot point what with the game finishing about an hour ago. The fuck, Neftali? Get it together, man.

I was getting as much of a discount out of tonight as I could: $30 ticket cost $15 because I brought a Dr. Pepper ($1) with me, 2 $1 hot dogs, $12 parking, and 4 free energy drinks = $30 total.

Plus I finally tried relish. What have I been missing all of these years?!?!?

I had a great time. Will definitely be going to the Ballpark one more time before I leave, so much cheaper than going to Wrigley for one thing. For another, it's a REALLY nice stadium.
Glad to hear you enjoyed it. And yes, it's a gorgeous park.

Also, relish? The tits.
I enjoy rolling down to CBP, buying cheap seats in right field or SRO tickets, and then walking around Ashburn Alley looking for young children to vomit on. Fun times in Philly.
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