Miscellaneous Picture Mix #39

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Bono in Coimbra



Chef, I have a request, could I order Bono a la Leather?! :drool::love:
that mug is awesome, where did you buy it?:hyper: Now I'm evn more coffee addicted! h
:lol: I've often wondered how Brian handles situations like this, since he's the same size as Bono. Maybe Brian is just really strong.

It looks like Bono's sunglasses have words right across the lens on one side. Why would they print the logo right where you need to see? Unless Bono forgot to take the sticker off before putting them on. :hmm: :lol:

It's the Bvlgari logo. Most sunglasses have their logo on the sides.

Indeed, Rachel is right,that is a very strange spot to have a logo.
It's not on the side GG, but on the glasses , must be quite annoying looking through those specs..
:lol: I've often wondered how Brian handles situations like this, since he's the same size as Bono. Maybe Brian is just really strong.

No doubt! Height certainly doesn't dictate strength, I know that firsthand. And though he's on the short side... not that that matters a whit to me... have you seen the guns on Brian?!? :drool::drool::combust:

He's such a sweetheart. I have a secret crush on Brian. :shh: I'll have to search for pictures, if no one has them at hand. :shifty:
No doubt! Height certainly doesn't dictate strength, I know that firsthand. And though he's on the short side... not that that matters a whit to me... have you seen the guns on Brian?!? :drool::drool::combust:

He's such a sweetheart. I have a secret crush on Brian. :shh: I'll have to search for pictures, if no one has them at hand. :shifty:

OMG! Brian is built... totally... I noticed that!. NEver had a thing for shorter men before but those two are :drool: I think my crush on Brian started after my few minutes of hanging out with him last year. What a sweetheart :heart:
For how long have they been living there? Because it looks too young for ATYCLB Bono, and him wearing that leather vest, and the old car behind him.. seems like early zoo era.
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