Michael Bublé

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Aug 17, 2002
NIMCO, where the dead buses go.
Has anyone seen his video "Everything"? I caught it on The Tube the other night and while I was watching it, I saw Bono make a cameo in it. Just wondering if anyone else has seen it and if that's really him.

But that song is rather catchy though.
corianderstem said:

... and in case the original poster isn't sure who that is, Pavel is a Bono impersonator.

Damnation! :mad: I guess at that far away, I really couldn't tell for sure, so I had to come here to get a definite answer. I was surprised when I saw Bono then but now I know it isn't him.

Damn you Michael Bublé! :(
(But that song is rather good. :silent: )
He seems like a genuinely nice guy, which gives me pause when I consider that, in a game of word association, I blurted out "slimy" when his name came up.
Canadiens1160 said:
He seems like a genuinely nice guy, which gives me pause when I consider that, in a game of word association, I blurted out "slimy" when his name came up.

it's true. he just always seems so ulterior motive, but he's never done anything really bad.

I'm a huge Michael Bublé fan and I must say that Everything isn't really one of his better songs. :shrug:

I like "I'm Your Man" off of his new album. It's by Leonard Cohen. :wink:
BrownEyedBoy said:

I like "I'm Your Man" off of his new album. It's by Leonard Cohen. :wink:

oooh. I love Leonard. I'll have to check it out. Thanks :) Hopefully this guy does it justice.
snowbunny00774 said:

oooh. I love Leonard. I'll have to check it out. Thanks :) Hopefully this guy does it justice.

Let me know. It's on my Top 25 most played. :up:

He also does a beautiful version of "Always on my Mind" on his new album...
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corianderstem said:
I have to admit, I do not care for Michael Buble. I find him very bland.

Well i agree to a point. I work at Barnes and Noble and Michael Buble is the biggest thing this year. He has a good voice, much better than Harry Connick Jr. (IMO) but not as good as the old time crooners. But he does a decent job and better than Tony Bennett these days.
He sounds like a boy. And he's quite full of himself, as we found out when he got pissed he lost for some award.
Scorpionac said:
He sounds like a boy. And he's quite full of himself, as we found out when he got pissed he lost for some award.

When was that?

I've seen his DVD's and he seems like a great guy in the backstage footage and by the way he treats his fans.

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