MERGED ->U2 to re-record Pop!+ Bono talking out of his arse!+Wait,what's this remast

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they talk about wanting to go and re-record the parts they see as unfit, will they actually go and do it? probaly not
Even though I think "Pop" is the "October" of the 90's I don't think there is any point in going in and rerecording that album. Warts & all it's a very good album, some fuzzy ideas and thrown together songs, but a good album none-the-less.

I don't think they can make the album "shine" any more by rerecording it.
Haven't they already 'Fixed' the incomplete tracks with the single versions, ie please, and the rest on the best of.
Bono talking out of his arse......again!

Well I see from another headline that Bono's been mentioning the Pop album unfinished business.

He said -
Bono told the Chicago Tribune: "There is still talk about the band going back in and fixing "Pop", actually going in because the bones of a great album are there."

"It didn't communicate the way it was intended to. It became a niche record. That's not what it was intended to be. If we'd just had another month, we could have finished it."

Well the above statement is full of crap yet again, the bones of a great album are there, bullshit, the albums GREAT as is! Why does he just love bringing that album down, just cos it didn't sell well in the good ole US of A!

I would love to hear the absolute fuc#ing mess they would make of it if they went and re-did it again. If we get something on the lines of The Best Of version of Staring At The Sun then I would be laughing my head off! Now what a great "finished" version that is! Enough said I think!
I just wished they had finished the album in time to rehearse for the tour because the Pop show I was at was the worst I've ever seen. :(
Every song except Staring At the Sun benifited from the remix. All the singles:

Last Night On Earth
Please (Single = A+++++)
God Will Send His Angels

were all better than the album versions. I think Playboy Mansion and Miami could use some work. For the love of god, they were recording vocals for the Playboy Mansion the day it was due to be mastered. Pop is a great album as is, but could have been a masterpiece if they had a little more time.
The only thing I'll say about this is that if Bono truly, deeply thinks that the album is sub-par....and he thinks it can be improvedm, well, I find it hard to argue with that. Yeah, I like it how it is, and, yeah, I want new music from them, not a new and improved Pop....

But, I can certainly see how an artist can look at their work and realize how it maybe could have been better. Maybe he cringes when he listens to certain Pop tunes. Just because I like Do You Feel Loved does not mean Bono does, or should.

So, again, I would love if the band always looked forward, but, I cannot criticize them for wanting to maybe correct what they might truly think was an effort not commiserate with their talents and/or goals at the time.
Leave it alone, Bono. The remixes on The Best Of weren't that good and would much rather had the actual album versions. Make a brand new album and learn from the mistakes from the past to make a new record. Pop is fine they way it is, just move on and forget about what happened.
I have to say I am curious just to see what it was really meant to sound like.

However, even if they did remix/re-record it tomorrow, it wouldn't be what it would have been if they had finished it all those years ago.
Their tastes then are probably different from their current tastes, so it would be more like a completely new record than a finished old record.

Just leave it alone. I think too much remixing ruins songs (SATS and Discotheque -- I liked the Boom-Cha's!)

One more thing: Does Bono really think one more month would have been enough?? It's U2! They'd need about 12 more months to be completely happy.:wink:
zoopop said:
Every song except Staring At the Sun benifited from the remix. All the singles:

Last Night On Earth
Please (Single = A+++++)
God Will Send His Angels

were all better than the album versions.

Bono's not the only one talking out if his arse! Please was fuc#ing destroyed on the single. On the album it is different, a raw record and band playing in a room and trying to create new sounds, to me the album version is bordering on Jazz, then they go and put crappy synths and you can hardly hear the guitar. Last Night On Earth was an abridged version, just shorter and not as good as the original cut and I don't care if Bono was singing the vocals on this the day the album was finished. Both versions of Gone and Discotheque were great but I still prefer the originals. Taking more time on an album does not mean you are making things better. It often means you are over producing it and end up with worse songs than you had before......check the last 2 albums by U2 for clear examples!
Going back and reworking Pop isn't going to make people who didn't like it the first time suddenly like it, and the people who already like it seem to like it the way it is. So why bother? I also think that supposedly magical extra month in the studio would not have changed the outcome of the album significantly.

I think the band just needs to accept the fact that techno music didn't take off in the U.S. like they thought it would so a lot of people had no idea where U2 were coming from when they released the album. Stuff like that happens sometimes. Experimenting is always a gamble. If you are going to do it, you have to accept the fact that you aren't always going to hit the top of the charts. And please guys, stop thinking the album sucked just because it didn't sell like you thought it would! I don't understand this attitude in U2 at all, especially since some of their own heros and influences (Television, The Ramones, etc.) weren't exactly chart-toppers.
Please's single sucked, I hate the single version, the album version is so much better.
I also like Pop the way it is, I would much rather hear new music, new ideas, instead of revisiting the past.
really, it's gotten to the point that bono doesn't deserve to be bono anymore.

someone stole bono and put some loser/idiot in his place. this is not the same bono i thought was the coolest man alive only a few years ago.
and while your at it. You have the original lyrics from October back. May as well re-do it also.:shocked:

This POP thing isn't going to happen.
(waits to eat words)
It's just fall out from the Kot interview I saw this coming. .:wink:
because I'm phy-sick :eyebrow:
This baffles me.

Why? On one hand we have U2 completely disowning Zooropa & Pop on this current tour. Not playing one song on the first leg, and with none in sight (exluding one line of Miami).

Yet on the other hand they just want to rerecord it. It's perfectly natural for all bands/musicians to have songs/albums they've released which sit uneasy with them. It's fine. But move on, seriously. They've had 3 bites at this thing. First the album, then the singles, then the Best Of 1990-2000. There's only so many times you can rearrange those deckchairs...

Mind you if they redid Pop, I would buy it in a second.:wink:

Contradiction Is Balance...
Pop (and any other album at that) is best left at what it is. If it didn't really match up to the band's idea for it, too bad. Move on. Independently on how I feel about Pop I find this need on part of the band or Bono specifically to still discuss the whys and the hows of Pop 8 years later rather annoying. Frankly it reeks of an excuse to justify the post Pop turn, and I believe that artists are better off producing art than explaining and justifying their artistic decisions.

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