LP13: Please let something happen.

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I dunno, I can't care about a watch that is (and looks like) a phone on yr wrist. I like things to do what they should do. It's why I don't try and get a good loud Em6 by hitting my bath and why I don't expect my strat to get me clean.
I was talking about this last week, but I don't get this argument, honestly: People have been clamoring for sci-fi futuristic tech for decades...now that you're finally getting it, "Why would I ever need that?!"

I wasn't aware that I've been clamoring for "sci-fi futuristic tech".
Quick Reply is also cool...my keyboard does something similar, but not smart like that.
Ok, he's playing with an animated Emoji, aka a glorified Tomagotchi...I think they've gone overboard. Time to get to the finale!
The "half hour" referenced in the email might be from the time the final group of recipients receives the email. I still haven't actually received mine yet...
I dunno, I can't care about a watch that is (and looks like) a phone on yr wrist. I like things to do what they should do. It's why I don't try and get a good loud Em6 by hitting my bath and why I don't expect my strat to get me clean.

That's why I'm waiting for the round ones that will be out late this year/next year. That, to me, is when it's really going to be an accessory I'm willing to wear. See:

“In addition to performing, the band will reveal an integration with Apple’s products that is connected to its next album.”

Hurry up already!
What I've learned so far...

U2 may drop some news, which is huge.

But I got kinda into the 6 launch propaganda. I accidentally dropped my trusty 4s into the toilet 2 weeks ago, still under contract, but out of warranty. I was told I will have a $200 credit towards any device when I choose to upgrade, having had it replaced through Apple, not AT&T. After seeing the prices....I can trade in, and get a 6 for free??? These things are truly innovative, much more so than I've seen in "iPhone upgrades" since the leap from 3GS to 4s. Hell, the specs almost render a computer irrelevant! Speaking of relevance, where is U2???

I would sell my first born for a 6 now, and I texted him to tell him so. He's cool with that.

Sent from my iPhone using U2 Interference
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