Long time no post; a few confessions

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
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Jan 20, 2001
a dream landscape
Hey, how's everyone in Interferenceland?! :)


I am incapable, I mean absolutely incapable, of receiving my change at a store without dropping at least some of it on the floor. I find this quite embarrassing. It's especially true if I'm trying to wrestle a huge pile of groceries into a not-big-enough bag while the cashier checks them out way too fast, so as she's moved on to the next person I'm still trying to get stuff into the bag and get out of the way, while coins go flying in all directions.

I don't listen to U2 that much these days. But that's fairly par for the course--I go through stages with U2--I don't listen to them hardly at all for ages, then it's nothing but for an equally long time.

I like Justin Timberlake.

I interrrupt people. Sometimes I'm even aware that I'm doing it but I go ahead and do it anyway.

I make an idiot of myself. I really need to stop repeating stupid jokes about Belgians when there are Belgians in the vicinity. But what's even worse than saying stupid things is the fact that I beat myself up for days afterward.

I miscalculate situations/sometimes I'm a complete cheapskate. I went to a wedding shower recently where I miscalculated and my gift was definitely cheaper than almost anyone else's, and it looked it. I guess I can make up by buying a really nice wedding present for them. But again, what's even worse is the fact that I beat myself up for weeks over this...

I should be working right now on a 20,000 word writing assignment--something I get paid for, so it's part of my livelihood--which is due in mid March and which I've only written a bit over 6000 words of. Instead I'm posting in here and finding other ways to waste time.

I really, really like a friend of mine and I don't know where it's going to go. He's almost 21. I'm almost 25. I was a bit freaked out about that in the first place because never before have I been attracted to a guy significantly younger than myself. I think I'm kind of getting past worrying about that but now I'm just wondering what his feelings are because I don't really know. We've been good friends for quite a while now and we've gone out for dinner and a movie three times in the past four weeks--he asked me--and I always have such a good time with him; we can talk about anything. There are some other indications like the fact that he tells me he hates sending text messages yet he sends me these really sweet text messages out of the blue for no apparent reason at all; or the fact that one of our mutual friends told me that when asked which of the girls he knew he might consider going out with he said "no" to a bunch of names and "possibly"--without hesitation--to my name. At the same time, I keep wondering if he just wants to be friends right now and if he does like me, why he hasn't made a move yet.

Any comments on any of the above are welcome...
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sorry, you lost me after you said that you wanted to make love to Justin Timberlake, or whatever. but I could write 20,000 words on his dance moves alone!! you don't listen to U2 often? well I will stop listening to U2 the day after I die? down with love anyway, I say? or someone else said it, but, anyway, learn to love yourself first and foremost. . . . . Dr. Phil is signing off. . . .
hey scatter....

I too interrupt people all the time, but it's because I talk so much...I don't even realize it. Maybe we should start up a group or something for people like this...or write a book: Let 'em Finish: How to shut up and wait your turn... ;)

And as for the guy, I am involved in a very similar situation right now ( :( ) so I know exactly how you feel...(email me if you wanna talk - the_sweetest_thing@mail.com) it sounds like he likes you, but may be shy in just making an actual formal move.

Hope things work out for you. Maybe carry a magnet or something in your palm so that the spare change will stick to it when you receive it.....
I can understand it all but the Justin Timberlake :crack:

I get accused of interrupting all the time, but I don't think I am. I think there is a difference between jumping in to add something timely and important to the conversation and just loudy busting out with something that has nothing to do with what's being said, which is what I call interrupting. When I try to add something to a conversation, I get accused of interrupting, especially by my mother :rolleyes: She tells me to wait for everyone to finish, but most of the time if you do, the subject has changed and what you had to say is no longer relevent, you forget it, or someone else has taken over the floor! Even though my mother says what she does, I attribute my fast talking and need to grab my chance at the floor when I can to the fact that my family were all fast talkers with no respect for what anyone else had to say :uhoh: looks around :shifty: thank goodness she doesn't go online.
Yeah, I tend to interupt people a lot too, but usually the people I interrupt are the type that you have to interrupt in order to get a word in, because they never quit talking! I'm thinking of one co-worker in particular. She will talk for 20 minutes straight on trivial crap I could care less about.
He asked me out...

I think he's totally smitten...

I think I'm totally smitten...

*does twenty different happy dances all at the same time*

:) :) :) :) :)

By the way, I agree with Leeloo that sometimes people accuse you of interrupting when in fact you're just trying to take part in the conversation. But sometimes I do just interrupt!
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