Kholat Syakhl, Russia Superthread

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Varitek said:

they don't want lids cause then you can make it a heavy projectile to throw it at the band or audience or whatever. :laugh: at the pocket thing, i woulda done that.

they don't liek you bringign in drinks b/c they are afraid you spiked them...and they want to make money off alcohol and hydration. but water is really a safety issue as you get hardheads like me that refuse to shell out for a $5 bottle and it gets hot and active. the red sox let you bring in water because of that. on hot summer days i bring in one that's mostly ice from being in the fridge.

Combining your first and second paragraphs, then, if we wanted to throw something at people in the venue, we should theoretically be able to just bring in a frozen bottle of water in a cooler bag with the lid off, then chuck it at people!
Axver said:

Personally, I never ever use flash, except for rare circumstances when everybody knows it's being used, like at a family dinner or whatever. I'd definitely never do my train or tram photography with the flash on.

well outdoor photos don't need flash. i dunno, i use flash at concerts b/c i figure everyone else does and they're used to it. plus, have you ever been on stage? the lights are pretty damn blinding anyway, and fucking hot. it's no wonder bono wears sunglasses and sweats like a pig.
mysterious_jen said:

sunday may be a goer for me i am desperate to see it again !
I can't do Sunday (but don't let that stop you!) ... Mother's Day and my brother's b'day, I'll be up in C'maine all weekend.

Website says it's showing 8pm on weekdays, and 3pm and 6.45 on the weekend...
major_panic said:
Man, it's so annoying how at uni, people seem to want you to cite a source for almost everything. Some of this stuff I just know from living in the area for bloody ages, people - I can't very well cite myself now, can I?

can i own up to something - i once cited wikipedia.

:eeklaugh: :eeklaugh: :eeklaugh: :eeklaugh: :eeklaugh: :eeklaugh:

YAY DEAKIN !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The Sad Punk said:
What's new?


Not much, we're just talking about... Wait, what are we talking about? Oh yeah, bringing stuff into concerts. Well, they are, I'm just lurking and complaining about my essay.
major_panic said:

Combining your first and second paragraphs, then, if we wanted to throw something at people in the venue, we should just bring in a frozen bottle of water in a cooler bag with the lid off, then chuck it at people!


the sox let you bring lids - in fact the rules say only sealed bottles, though i reuse water bottles a lot and mostly get away with it. (again alcohol)

this one time this guy in front of us was getting drunk off those little plane-sized bottles of liquor he was pouring in his soda. there were like 7 of them on the ground by the time he left!
Varitek said:

we got there well after doors opened. we coulda pushed more to get closer but not that much closer, we were probably 15-20 people back but i'm bad at estimates like that. and yes, they were all crazy jumping around.

Munaf Rayani was right in front of me and his energy was just incredible. Made early eighties Bono look sluggish!

I could never push closer. I hated all the wankers in the audience at the Sydney PT concert who felt they had some divine right to be front row for at least one song.
mysterious_jen said:

can i own up to something - i once cited wikipedia.

:eeklaugh: :eeklaugh: :eeklaugh: :eeklaugh: :eeklaugh: :eeklaugh:

YAY DEAKIN !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

:lmao: :lmao:

Whenever I want to do that, I stop myself and just cite Wikipedia's sources instead - I get more citations for the value of one!
Axver said:

I looked up the band on the Sordo Music Archive and it looks like volume 2 is there, so I'll give that a try first. And yeah, I'll let you know what I think. I'm looking forward to playing it; I was actually going to listen today but clean forgot. :reject:

what's the sordo music archive? i'm going to need a new source for music when i graduate
Varitek said:

well outdoor photos don't need flash. i dunno, i use flash at concerts b/c i figure everyone else does and they're used to it. plus, have you ever been on stage? the lights are pretty damn blinding anyway, and fucking hot. it's no wonder bono wears sunglasses and sweats like a pig.

In covered train stations I'd be better off with flash, but I just won't use it. And I still haven't figured out how to take good twilight and night shots.

At a concert, I'd probably use flash in some circumstances, but not when they're really close and it'll be right in their face. I think that's just rude.
Varitek said:

what's the sordo music archive? i'm going to need a new source for music when i graduate

Google it. Basically, it has links to albums hosted on various upload sites. Plenty of stuff on there.
Varitek said:

wow! you're too nice, i woulda used flash. they're used to it.

that's better than a lot of the pics i got with my digital w/ flash, though it was a shitty shitty camera. i was in the 2nd row of the ellipse at 12/4 and got some decent pics, a few good ones and lots of blurry ones...but then my hard drive ate them
Yeah, I know they're used to it... but I'm kind of a dork like that :reject: Maybe next time I'll be a hardened GA-er and not care so much...

the pics I got with the digital were crap cos I was further back, had no rail to steady myself on, and I have shaky hands/no image stabilisation.... ah well. Lessons learned!

Sucks that your computer ate your pics! :( I gave everyone copies of my holiday pics, just in case I lost them somehow.
Axver said:

Munaf Rayani was right in front of me and his energy was just incredible. Made early eighties Bono look sluggish!

I could never push closer. I hated all the wankers in the audience at the Sydney PT concert who felt they had some divine right to be front row for at least one song.

yeah i don't like that either, i feel bad about it and didn't really do it, i did just squeeze into a hole or two when others vacated. often if i'm alone i can get away with people offering me a spot as i'm 5'2 and a cute girl, but my 6'11 bf was there. he did offer to put me on his shoulders :lol:
Varitek said:

yeah i don't like that either, i feel bad about it and didn't really do it, i did just squeeze into a hole or two when others vacated. often if i'm alone i can get away with people offering me a spot as i'm 5'2 and a cute girl, but my 6'11 bf was there. he did offer to put me on his shoulders :lol:

I need some kind of "HEY I'M NEARLY LEGALLY BLIND" sign so that people will offer me their spot. :wink:

In Brisbane, it seemed nobody was very pushy, but in Sydney, bloody hell. This one dickhead kept trying to push his head between me and the guy beside me. He eventually made it to the rail in the encore. I was on the verge of violently pushing him away but then I was enjoying Trains too much to care ...
Varitek said:
they don't want lids cause then you can make it a heavy projectile to throw it at the band or audience or whatever. :laugh: at the pocket thing, i woulda done that.

they don't liek you bringign in drinks b/c they are afraid you spiked them...and they want to make money off alcohol and hydration. but water is really a safety issue as you get hardheads like me that refuse to shell out for a $5 bottle and it gets hot and active. the red sox let you bring in water because of that. on hot summer days i bring in one that's mostly ice from being in the fridge.
Projectile thing makes sense. I still don't know who'd shell out $100 just to piff a bottle at Bono, though. (Mind you, there were a few drunk audience members I might have been tempted by...)

I'm pretty sure we have laws now about providing free water in night clubs, but I guess they don't apply to concerts or something.
Axver said:

In covered train stations I'd be better off with flash, but I just won't use it. And I still haven't figured out how to take good twilight and night shots.

At a concert, I'd probably use flash in some circumstances, but not when they're really close and it'll be right in their face. I think that's just rude.

major_panic said:
Man, it's so annoying how at uni, people seem to want you to cite a source for almost everything. Some of this stuff I just know from living in the area for bloody ages, people - I can't very well cite myself now, can I?
I'm pretty sure you can. I've cited conversations I've had with scientists... although that was in first year. Give it a try and see what happens ;)
Alisaura said:

Projectile thing makes sense. I still don't know who'd shell out $100 just to piff a bottle at Bono, though. (Mind you, there were a few drunk audience members I might have been tempted by...)

I'm pretty sure we have laws now about providing free water in night clubs, but I guess they don't apply to concerts or something.

yeah bars have to give you tap water if you ask here, i think. it's smart anyway, they don't want your drunk ass puking all over their floor. but at a concert where i don't wanna move, or a baseball game, i'm both cheap and committed to seeing everything
Axver said:

I need some kind of "HEY I'M NEARLY LEGALLY BLIND" sign so that people will offer me their spot. :wink:

In Brisbane, it seemed nobody was very pushy, but in Sydney, bloody hell. This one dickhead kept trying to push his head between me and the guy beside me. He eventually made it to the rail in the encore. I was on the verge of violently pushing him away but then I was enjoying Trains too much to care ...

Wear dark glasses and carry a cane, then when people ask, just tell them that you "can hear perfectly fine, thank you very much, and I happen to enjoy the music too".
Alisaura said:

I'm pretty sure you can. I've cited conversations I've had with scientists... although that was in first year. Give it a try and see what happens ;)

Eh, I'm just gonna write it down and try to pass it off as "common knowledge", sorta thing.
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