July 30, 2011 - Magnetic Hill, Moncton, NB

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
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It's been ages since I've used it (mosquitoes aren't a problem in Seattle - BLISS), but I remember using the oily stuff on my skin.

However, if I recall correctly, I think Avon started capitalizing on its popular use as bug repellant, and came out with a more specific product. I'll have to check.
It's been ages since I've used it (mosquitoes aren't a problem in Seattle - BLISS), but I remember using the oily stuff on my skin.

However, if I recall correctly, I think Avon started capitalizing on its popular use as bug repellant, and came out with a more specific product. I'll have to check.

Yeah we never need bug repellent here either. But I did used to sell Avon years ago! I know we were never allowed to "officially" say it repelled bugs because it wasn't licensed for that, but everyone knew it did anyway, there was no need to advertise it. :D I remember they finally did come out with some products that were specifically for it, but still the the good ol cheaper SSS worked better! It's been years though now so I don't know what's up anymore, and I may just have to pick some up. :hmm:
SSS works well, but I use Off Skintastic. Hard to say how the bugs will be in Moncton. It's been a rainy spring and the bugs have been worse than usual. I count on the fact that there'll be more people than insects at the concert, so my chances of being bitten are much less. Still taking the spray, though!
SSS works well, but I use Off Skintastic. Hard to say how the bugs will be in Moncton. It's been a rainy spring and the bugs have been worse than usual. I count on the fact that there'll be more people than insects at the concert, so my chances of being bitten are much less. Still taking the spray, though!

GTK, thanks.

I was wondering if there is any standing water around the field. On the field won't matter as it will be trampled by 100,000 people.

I'm guessing it cools off pretty well at night, too, so pants (vs. shorts) and a light jacket would help with any bugs.
Yeah, at this point I'm just assuming layers, and am hoping that it's not going to be 8 million degrees. Honestly have no idea what summers are like in that part of the continent. I know it can get brutally hot in Boston etc, but this is farther north and a bit more inland?

Anyway. Weather yammering.
Hey guys, I'm all confirmed for Moncton and I'm bringing 5 friends along for an early 40'th birthday party/concert event.:wave:
Bought my GA's when the tickets went on sale but after that I sat on my arse and didn't book a hotel. The true luck of the Irish fell upon me 2 weeks ago when I actually found a newly renovated motel VERY close to Magnetic Hill (7kms) that had rooms available at a great rate. They might have more available... if anyone is interested PM me. Now just have to book the flights....

See you all there for what might be the GREATEST CONCERT EVENT OF MY LIFE! (I hope).:applaud:

Hey guys, just wanted to find out if anyone needs tickets for this show?
I am flying in from Toronto on the Thursday with a friend but everyone else bailed on me so I have 4 GA tickets that I need to unload and I will sell them at a loss at $75 each.
I also have 2 motel rooms reserved 7kms from Magnetic Hill that I will gladly give to whomever wants the tickets (1 room per 2 tickets). I am not making any money on the rooms... you pay the motel. Apparently they just renovated (new beds, carpets....) and the cost is $129/night.

See you all in Moncton!!!

I've been trying to sell my grandstand tickets for the show but it seems there's nobody that wants them. I'm wondering if there's a shuttle bus from Halifax to Moncton for the show?

If I could keep booking flights on the same airlines, yes.

Hey, I've only added two extra shows (Anaheim and Moncton) to the two I had been planning on since their announcements (Minneapolis and Seattle, which is my hometown show, so I don't need to travel).

I've got NOTHING on some of these fans. :wink:

Looking into going to Moncton right now......I live like 9 hours (by car) from there, so how do I NOT go to the last show of the tour???? At least, that's what I keep telling my wife.....:madwife: she's not thrilled, but she will get over it!
Apologies if this has already been asked and answered, but what is this show's schedule going to be? Carney on at 3PM for 2hrs, followed by Arcade Fire for 2hrs, then U2 in the evening? (with set changes of course) I'm trying to figure out my travel schedule from the states, and want to make sure I am there in plenty of time for Arcade Fire/U2 (but not w/ a TON of time to fill). Thanks for any info in advance!
Apologies if this has already been asked and answered, but what is this show's schedule going to be? Carney on at 3PM for 2hrs, followed by Arcade Fire for 2hrs, then U2 in the evening? (with set changes of course) I'm trying to figure out my travel schedule from the states, and want to make sure I am there in plenty of time for Arcade Fire/U2 (but not w/ a TON of time to fill). Thanks for any info in advance!

I wish. Gates open at 3pm but no music until 7pm. Probably more like Carney from 7:00-7:45, AF from 8:15-9:15 and then U2 from 9:45 until midnight or they get the power cut. But just my guesstimate.
I wish. Gates open at 3pm but no music until 7pm. Probably more like Carney from 7:00-7:45, AF from 8:15-9:15 and then U2 from 9:45 until midnight or they get the power cut. But just my guesstimate.

I'd maybe take 15 minutes from Carney and give it to AF. Carney may also have a small set up with AF's stuff ready to go with minimal prep before they go on.
Gates open at 3, but no music until 7? Well, I guess that saves a few hours of stress waiting to know what your spot will be in GA. ;)

Or maybe that's a good thing - I bet most people won't be coming until later, and the bulk of the field stays pretty open for quite a long time.

/nonsense guess from someone who has no idea about outdoor venues and/or Canadian concert behavior

Oh, also? I hope AF plays more than an hour. That's not enough time to experience that awesomeness.
re: mosquitoes... is that the bug of worry for Canada or are there other creepy crawlies, like nasty biting gnats or FLIES? :ohmy:

I grew up on the coast of NC and in the summer mosquitoes just SWARMED -- it was so bad they would send a truck around to spray every evening. Anyway, this sounds weird, but a really good remedy for mosquito bites is to mix a bit of meat tenderizer with water and put it on the bite. It takes the itching out really quickly and seems to make the swelling go down faster, as well. I'm prone to bites that itch and swell up like golf balls, but the meat tenderizer thing has always worked well for me. :shrug:
I'm hanging out by you, then! Meat tenderizer...who knew?

Well, I'm sure to get all of the mosquitoes on me, thus saving everyone around me from the danged pests. ;)

I'm wondering what they'll say at the airport when I show up with meat tenderizer in my carry-on? :hmm:
I'm not doing checked luggage, so we'll see what happens! I could say I'm a cannibal, would that flag me for anything?
Hell yeah! Anyone else from here able to make the Dartmouth AF show on the 28th? AF by they waterfront on a Canadian summer night = :up:

I'm so glad they added this show. I was afraid of being disappointed only to get a little Arcade Fire fix this summer. I'm hoping Owen plays with them in Moncton as well.
Anything to photograph at the festival site yet like the grandstand.

Yes they are just putting up the staging for the grandstands. We checked in last week

I haven't read through these 30 pages yet since I just decided to go to this show last week, but is anyone familiar enough with the area to know what the weather might be like by the end of the month?

Also wonder if there's any possibility of a Spider-man song... not necessarily from U2! :wink:

Weather could range from rainy to hot and humid. Moncton has been known to get some thunderstorm doozies, and also to get really hot.. but it also can be very comfortable as well. Crossing my fingers for the best weather possible.
I have to mention too that the Fundy Coastal drive in New Brunswick is gorgeous. If you have the time to take the scenic route, it will be a feast for your eyes.

To give you an idea of the climate.. wiki to the rescue :)

Moncton - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Off seems to work well with the bugs. I usually either ignore them or wear something longsleeved.

Sorry I've been so slow to answer questions. Feel free to PM me if I don't answer right away.
Yes they are just putting up the staging for the grandstands. We checked in last week


:ohmy: ooh cool.

Weather could range from rainy to hot and humid. Moncton has been known to get some thunderstorm doozies, and also to get really hot.. but it also can be very comfortable as well. Crossing my fingers for the best weather possible.

Thank you!
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