IT'S OFFICIAL: Yahoo Message Boards

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.


ONE love, blood, life
Oct 2, 2000
Does anyone ever read any of the news and hit the message boards on For instance, read X-Ray Reveals How Insects Breathe and you get "laura_bushes_vagina" posting "I BREATHE THROUGH MY VAGINA."

It is all pretty much scattered chaos like that, where everyone hates each other and intolerance reigns supreme. If anything, most of those people need to get their mouths washed out with

I have come to the conclusion that all other message boards besides interference, suck.
wow...I certainly dont breathe through my unmentionables

this person is obviously very talented
i agree with sicy, but respectfully disagree with kirk.

you've told me your secret before and i'm not about to let you lie about it. :mad:
I've actually had some fun on a Coldplay message board and a movie message board but its all crap compared to this. In my drunkass opinion.
Huh? You're all to serious. Thats why I like it around here.
Lilly, if I EVER get upgraded to Premium so that I'm elidgable of as of 2 days ago, maybe I'll be able to view the PM you sent me.:yes: :sexywink:

sicy & evis baby, I know your doing the best you can.
I think some other boards are fun and filled with nice people....but there is something about this place that makes it like no other.

I think this place submits subliminal messages....."you love this never want to leave.....interference is fun...."

then you have the crack theory....we're all on crack and Elvis is the dealer.
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