It's official #Why are some people so dumb?

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There was this girl who posted on an expats forum I'm on who moved to Germany in September to marry her girlfriend, and she was posting about how stupid Germans are because some of them don't speak English, the movies are dubbed in German, food packaging is in German, etc., and she can't get a job because she speaks no German and all the classifieds are in German. :der: I just can't believe someone could be that stupid. It's one thing to move to a country where you don't know the language and be frustrated at how long it takes to adjust, but it's another thing when you expect the country to adjust to you. Do people just not think anymore? :rolleyes:
Meggie...we are taking about ex-pats, right? And by ex-pat's we mean people who are Americans, right? AMERICANS!?


Americans wanted the world to adjust to them.

Want a potato chip?
that girl needs to be reminded there are only two universal languages:

mathematics; and

Why doesn't this girl ask her wife to teach her German?
I thought you'd kinda want to learn the language of the person you married even if you didn't live in that country...:der:
meegannie said:
There was this girl who posted on an expats forum I'm on who moved to Germany in September to marry her girlfriend, and she was posting about how stupid Germans are because some of them don't speak English, the movies are dubbed in German, food packaging is in German, etc., and she can't get a job because she speaks no German and all the classifieds are in German. :der: I just can't believe someone could be that stupid. It's one thing to move to a country where you don't know the language and be frustrated at how long it takes to adjust, but it's another thing when you expect the country to adjust to you. Do people just not think anymore? :rolleyes:

What do they have against english speakers!?! :der:
meegannie said:
It's one thing to move to a country where you don't know the language and be frustrated at how long it takes to adjust, but it's another thing when you expect the country to adjust to you. Do people just not think anymore? :rolleyes:

The dumbass should realize that there's such a thing as immigrant integration, especially in non-English speaking European nations. :rolleyes:
meegannie said:
There was this girl who posted on an expats forum I'm on who moved to Germany in September to marry her girlfriend, and she was posting about how stupid Germans are because some of them don't speak English, the movies are dubbed in German, food packaging is in German, etc., and she can't get a job because she speaks no German and all the classifieds are in German. :der: I just can't believe someone could be that stupid. It's one thing to move to a country where you don't know the language and be frustrated at how long it takes to adjust, but it's another thing when you expect the country to adjust to you. Do people just not think anymore? :rolleyes:

You NEVER told us you were friends with Jessica Simpson!!! Wow!

:) :coocoo:
I'm surprised she hasn't run into more people who speak English, but she should have at least started to learn german before she moved there. :der:

At the same token, there seems to be a trend for people moving to America not wanting to learn English and that being acceptable. :shrug:
It makes sense to learn the language of the country you live in. That's just common sense to me. It'll make life easier no matter where you are.
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