ITS OFFICIAL # Halloween Pics

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Sizzlin' Sicilian
Staff member
Jan 15, 2001
Bay Area, CA
We just got back from a raging party. Insane is a good word.. lol. GLOWFEST! A friend of ours from the ballroom throws this party every year. The whole place is lit up by blacklights and everyone gets drunk and shoots silly string at each other and throws glowpaint on everyone :crazy:

We won the costume contest.. $100 !! :cool:




Random party go-ers..





Salome said:

you look way too comfortable in that pic with the knive, sicy :hmm:

I was thinking the same thing! :yikes:

Nice touch with the screwdriver in Jim's face! :up: You guys looked great!

All the other costumes look great...the guy with the giant joint! :lmao:
lmao Salome :laugh: :macdevil:

Too bad I didnt get more pics.. there were a LOT of cool costumes, but by the end of the night you really couldnt tell what anyone was wearing because they were covered from head to toe in glowpaint!
Awesome!!! Fun times. God I love Halloween. Those were some kick ass costumes congrats!

I still have a big scar and black eye on my face from last night. *Needs to take shower............. :laugh:
Re: HELLO WONDERWOMAN...I am zonelistener

zoney! said:

I want to know what the argument was about!?!!!

Domestic violence :tsk: :lol:
:lmao:!!!!!'re lookin waaaay too comfortable with that butcher knife :uhoh:
Great costumes!!! Looks like you had so much fun!
and omfg the guy with the gigantic joint!! :lol:
i've been meaning to ask and Jim okay? Are you anywhere near the wild fires? Keep safe, hon :hug:
:D No the fires are southern cali and we're in northern :hug:

Domestic violence :laugh: We kept telling everyone there that we got into a little fight :angel:
Sicy said:
We kept telling everyone there that we got into a little fight :angel:


I hope you bought something nice with your winnings :)
Lara Mullen said:
I hope you bought something nice with your winnings :)

I bought some food and other items I needed for the cats :)

Then tonite we went out to Chevy's for dinner and had big fat margaritas :love:
love the look....;)

Us GTAers got together at a local tavern - Elevation was playing...lots of people dressed up..I didnt go with the static cling...I was a cereal killer...:lmao:

anyhow..I took some pics too of gotta see the pic of Brady...during POP set....he came out....dressed as...:lmao:...priceless I tell you...
well I cant remember my snapfish

damn I wish I could remember my login..oh well...Ill add a few as attachments so you can see what I mean...picture him singing Mofo....

damn attachment is too big....ok..let me go see if I can remember my snapfish..Ill be back...
I got it

Sicy....ok..lets try this again....gawd this is hilarious...





and 1 more


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