It's a fashion MASACREE!!

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Rock n' Roll Doggie
Jun 4, 2001
Hotter 'n' hell Texas: Dallas
Edge is right...they certainly haid their fashion moments!

It's a fashion massacre...check out Edge's SHOES, OMG!!!

Here's Edge doing his best Bono, but he's juuuusst not quite getting it right, poor guy!

Of course Bono looks completely HOT in both of these, heh...

Disco to Edge: Thanks for making 14 years worth the wait - you guys were great tonight!
Edge: Thanks!
Disco to Edge: See you in Dallas, Edge!
Edge: Okay!
(and you just know he meant it both times)
Bono: Do not fasten your safety belt. We are about to get airborn.
Bono just has such an incredible ability to harness the crowd's energy and feed it straight back to them, resulting in what seems like communal ecstasy.I've never seen anything quite like it. Our Bono is indeed a mighty force. He walks into a room and all the air gets sucked right out. He is completely magnetic. - Shirley Manson, on Bono

(now with 'elevated Bono' album!)
LOL-great pics, Kelli!

LOL-I'm remembering the Leaving Nothing Behind special, when Bono says "fashion massacre", and Larry does his little laugh...he was probably not-so-fondly remembering those jean jackets with the collars turned up and the tight jeans (*drools*) cuffed at the bottom. LMAO

I know your garden's full
But is there sweetness at all?
OMG-Edge is wearing 'fisherman sandals'


If you are really good friends with The Edge, you can just call him The~ Adam

The right side of my brain is kinda redundant~ Larry
These shirts are 'interesting'..


If you are really good friends with The Edge, you can just call him The~ Adam

The right side of my brain is kinda redundant~ Larry
Originally posted by Discoteque:
Oh Lord help us. AND them.

Originally posted by Gina Marie:


Actually, I think Sparky looks really good in orange...or maybe it's his unbuttoned shirt and HOT chest!!!!


"Scarlet eyes and a see-through heart....she saw me coming right from the start.....She picked me up, but had me down on my knees....Just a-begging, begging her please...Take me Slow Dancing"

"She is the dreamer, she's imagination..."

Look-it's Edgie's shoe!

<---tired and really should get a life


If you are really good friends with The Edge, you can just call him The~ Adam

The right side of my brain is kinda redundant~ Larry
Originally posted by sparkys girl:
Actually, I think Sparky looks really good in orange...or maybe it's his unbuttoned shirt and HOT chest!!!!

Oh yes-I agree-he's HOT in that pic

If you are really good friends with The Edge, you can just call him The~ Adam

The right side of my brain is kinda redundant~ Larry
Originally posted by Gina Marie:
Look-it's Edgie's shoe!

<---tired and really should get a life


Ok ... I am frightened. I have sandals like that.


"Rock and roll doggie"

"I'm very secure with the fact that I'm not black. I'm white, pink and rosy. But I've got soul."

?We make music you can have sex to.?

?Never trust a man who tells you it's from the heart, never trust a man smoking a cigar, never trust a cowboy or a man who wears shades.?

OMG!!!! *orgasm* Look at Bono there!!


"I wish that I could cry, fall upon my knees. Find a way to lie about a home I'll never see... I can't stand to fly. I'm not that naive. I'm just out to find a better part of me. Up up and away from me, It's alright you can all sleep safe tonight. I'm not crazy or anything... Even heroes have the right to dream..." -Five for Fighting "Superman"
All my pictures are located here:
LadyHeartland's pics.
Originally posted by Crzy4Bono:
Oh - they all had their moments, didn't they?


I love him in this pic... tuning his little guitar. So cute.

"Never trust a man who tells you it's from the heart, never trust a man smoking a cigar, never trust a cowboy or a man who wears shades..." - Bono
"I would certainly consider myself to be one of the inventors of the mullet." - Bono
"People look at someone like me and think he wants the world to love him. But he probably just wants one person to love him." -Bono
Originally posted by Bonavoix:
OMG!!!! *orgasm* Look at Bono there!!

Yowza!! I agree-holy smokes, he's HOT in that pic
Why was I looking at Edge's shoes?

I LOVED him in that long hair and leather vest.

If you are really good friends with The Edge, you can just call him The~ Adam

The right side of my brain is kinda redundant~ Larry
Originally posted by blueeyes:

I'm having a Wayne's World moment here...he looks like he's waiting for Garth to show up.
Oh god...I smell a skit!

OMG I can just imagine Bono being Wayne & Edge being Garth..... how cute! Oh, the possibilities....

Edge: Bono has a seven-pound package.... NOT!

*~*?*~*~ Katie ~*~*?*~*

I wonder what's gonna happen to you
You wonder what has happened to me
Check out these ensembles..and shoes


If you are really good friends with The Edge, you can just call him The~ Adam

The right side of my brain is kinda redundant~ Larry

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