Interference Holiday Card Exchange!

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.


ONE<br>love, blood, life
Nov 25, 2001
Lookin' for the face I had before the world was ma
Greetings Fellow Interferencers!

The holidays are upon us! It's almost that time of the year when you start recieving cards from all those people you haven't talked to in years! ;) So why not get cards in the mail from people you see around here all the time?

FishNeedsABicycle (Fishy) and I are organizing a card exchange for our own little Interference community. We know there is another person from @U2 organizing an international U2 fan card exchange and we're indebted to her for giving us the idea. So please participate in that one as well as this one! You can never get too many cards in the mail!

Here's the deal:

I'll be keeping a database of everyone who PM's me with their information. Then on December 5th (or a day or two later) I'll begin PMing and emailing people with other people's addresses. We are expecting people to send approximately 5 cards to other people. However, this is not a requirement. If you would like to send more, let me know. If you can't send 5 but would still like to participate, let me know that too! We want everyone to get something this holiday season! We also know that Interferencers come in all shapes and colors and from all different countries, so we'd like to keep the cards pretty generic (we encourage making your very own U2 related cards, I know I will be!) We're also anticipating international participants, so let me know if you absolutely cannot send cards overseas... it's not that hard, really!

So please PM me with the following information and any questions you have:

1) Interference name
2) Real name
3) Address (where you can receive mail)
4) Email address
5) How many cards can you send?
6) Are you willing to send cards to overseas participants?

I'll be accepting information until December 5th :)

Hope this goes well and I hope you all have a WONDERFUL holiday season!


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Me really likes this idea. :yes:

Why do these doods hold the stars in front of their---erhm????:rolleyes:


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