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The Fly
Aug 17, 2002
Forks :)
this is written in someone else's perspective


ive been watching her from the front for years now
everytime, she's there. staring up at me
testing her knowledge of songs that seem so unknown to me when she's there
I smile, knowing whats to come
A picture at the end of a brilliant night
A hug, and kiss, and a flash
and she's on her way, happy beyond words
Admiration in her eyes
how can i not love it
words cannot describe my feelings for her, for them
the people who have been here from the beginning
Cigarettes and Guinness at the end of a long night
Sitting at a pub with my best friends
Thinking of days long gone
Of all that I have seen, of all that I have done
And the music echoes in my head
a calling, a signal
And I know why I am here
And I know what it means to them, what it means to me
And what it means to her
Admiration now fills my eyes
for her,
for them.
And the only way I know how to say thank you
is by the music that echoes in my head.

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