I'm Officiary Ronery

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Headache in a Suitcase

Site Team
Staff member
Jul 16, 2000
With the other morally corrupt bootlicking rubes.

I'm so ronery.
So ronery.
So ronery and sadry arone.
Dere'sno one,
just me onry,
sitting onmy rittle throne.

I wook rearry hard and make up great plans.
But nobody listens, no one understands...
Seems that no one takes me SER-RI-ROUS-REEEEEEEEE...
And so... I'm rone-ry...
A rittle rone-ry... Poor rittle me.

Dere's nobody I can rerate to. Feel rike a bird in a cage.
It's kind of sirry...But not rearry...Because it's firring my body with rage!

I 'm the smartest most clever, most physically fit
but nobody seems to rearize it.
When I change the world maybe they'll notice meeeeeeeeee---
until then I'll just be ronery... poor rittle me...

I'm so rone-ryyyyyy.
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