im in love with a DESCRIBE

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
^ okay, so it's achey rather than sharp? And don't die :madwife: :lol: But you need to go get it checked out :madwife:

I don't think water will help that much.. especially if Tylenol isn't helping.
^ Why wouldn't she take you?? You don't want to let this kind of thing go :no:

Mac - You're thinking the same thing I'm thinking.
Well it's time for me to hit the old dusty trail, get summat to eat, watch TV :wink:

bye everyone! :wave: :hug:

And Kayla, go to the doc asap! :madwife: :hug:
^ nothing so far! I can't hear van diemens land just yet! :lol:

go download that Audacity tool yourself! It's free! :drool:

< okay going now.. :shifty: :wave:
I wanjnna make sure I have the right song, and not some crazy thing I downloaded

does trip through your wires kinda sound like a country song?
hey john :wave:

Please don't kill the birds

as a spokesmen for the save the birds council I have to advise you of the dangers of bird killing....the consequences could be severe........

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