I Wouldn't Expect This From The Village Voice

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Blue Crack Addict
Aug 18, 2002
Southern California
John Kerry Must Go

WASHINGTON, D.C.? With the air gushing out of John Kerry's balloon, it may be only a matter of time until political insiders in Washington face the dread reality that the junior senator from Massachusetts doesn't have what it takes to win and has got to go. As arrogant and out of it as the Democratic political establishment is, even these pols know the party's got to have someone to run against George Bush. They can't exactly expect the president to self-destruct into thin air.
I agree with this too. The Democrats need to have an extremely strong candidate this year. It couldn't be more important! And I'm just worried that Kerry hasn't shown me that he is that candidate so far...
If Kerry's candidacy fails to energize his own party as well as those who are undecided, I hope the Democratic Party has the courage to nominate a better candidate, primaries be dammed.
Kerry is dull and uninspiring. There were people who voted for Bush because "he looks like the sort of guy you can have a beer with."

The Dems needed to pull something out of a hat. It's the sort of year that needed somebody with a well known backstory, somebody inspirational, young. Somebody like a JFK Jr. with all his inexperience probably would have done better.

God only knows what Bush will come up with in the next four years if re-elected. Heaven help us.
Looks like the GOP propaganda machine is working its charm well. That's why the Democrats cannot win; they are way too defeatist, and the GOP, no matter how their leader lies or does stupid things, always rally around him.

Kerry's mistake is that he doesn't go on the offensive well enough. He sits back and does tit-for-tat defensive moves against the Bush Administration. Or is it that way? That's what the media has you believe, at least. If the media isn't on your side, then you really are screwed, sad to say.

anitram said:
It's the sort of year that needed somebody with a well known backstory, somebody inspirational, young.

It's been that sort of year for, well, at least since the early 90's. Actually, probably several years longer than that.

I find it interesting and at the same time dispirting that - going back several years - every candidate that comes along is so generic, so predictable, so tied into the old guard mentality of what it means to be a Democrat or what it means to be a Republican. Kerry is just another in a long line of generic politicians.

The American populace has been looking for a visionary for a long time. She or he has yet to step forward.
I really liked Edwards :( Howard Dean seemed "fresh and different", and the media (in cooperation w/ Howard himself) did him in

No inspiring, fresh people want to run because look what they have to go through

Politics today are dirty, predictable, and uninspiring and thus we all get what we get :sigh: I agree that the Democrats are far too defeatist. It's discouraging...but nothing will discourage me from getting that ---- out of office :D
melon said:
That's why the Democrats cannot win; they are way too defeatist

This is where Clinton succeeded. He didn't approach the Presidency as providing a package of issues - he approached it at a leader.
I would completely expect this from the Village Voice. It's generally a progressive paper and Kerry isn't a progressive Democrat.
this was taken from a short piece...

I am surprised it made it into the issue, and think is is a stupid thing to write, especially at this stage in the game.

Had it been written earlier I would have agreed, but I think it is time to choose your man, and there are only two running right now.
joyfulgirl said:
I would completely expect this from the Village Voice. It's generally a progressive paper and Kerry isn't a progressive Democrat.

Well, it's no secret that their favorite was Dean, and there's still some resentment out there among Dean supporters that their guy isn't the nominee. Kerry lacks Dean's fire, but it's too early to write him off as another Al Gore. It's only April; he hasn't picked his running mate or written his acceptance speech. You'd think the election was next week from some of the press. Kerry's ADA score is 85; I think Dean's was also, his "conservative" issue was gun control. Kerry's "conservative" issue is his position on war and peace issues, and Iraq is the big issue. I don't see him being married to Teresa Heinz Kerry or whatever as being that bad, it's just something to criticize. I've never been a big fan of the Village Voice and I'm still not. In fact, generally speaking political pundits can get screwed for all I care. Both liberal and conservative pundits are mainly hot air in my opinion.
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