I may not want to get married. An ode to someone.

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Elvis' Naughty Angel
Jan 10, 2001
not here
*Plants tongue in cheek.

This is it, I am DONE! Done with the whole mind games men and women play with eachother. Done with the caring of whether or not he likes me, or he'll call, or did I sound dumb, or I am too fat, or why doesn't he like me, or I am not pretty enough........ the list is endless!!

I am 27 years old and single. Whoopie!! Why do people have to look at you like there is something wrong with you? Why do people have to ask such stupid questions all the time like, 'why don't you have a boyfriend?', 'when are you going to get married'? blah, blah, blah, blah.

News flash world! It *is* possible to be a highly intelligent, beautiful person, who is fun to be around and YES, is still single! I am sick and tired of people forcing me to believe that I am not worthy of someone's attention because they are too good-looking, or 'guys like that like skinny blondes with big boobs'
Society forces you to be insecure, and you know what? I am not playing this game anymore. I am sick of caring what other people think! Just because I don't have some drooling male on my arm does NOT make me less of a person.
I am sick of married people giving me crap advice, like 'when you stop looking you'll meet someone great'. BULLSH*T!!! Everyone's looking all of the time!!!! Even when you pretend you aren't looking you still are! And you know what?!@? THERE IS NOTHING WRONG WITH LOOKING!!

Just because a girl asks a guy out for a drink, does not translate into meaning she wants to marry you!! :huh: So don't call back to just be polite. :no: I don't need your sympathy.

I am tired..... and should go to bed, but I needed to rant. Rant with me people!!! Singles of the world unite!!! It *is* ok to be single!!!! It *is* ok to be independent! It *is* ok to be picky!!!! And when you take the plunge and ask out a guy, or a girl whatever, it *is* ok for them to not reciporocate the intention. And you know what?!@?!@? It *is* ok NOT TO CARE!

I quite honestly don't even want to get married at this point. So take that, I am done. Call if you want, don't if you don't. I don't care!!!!!!!!!! I just wanted to go for a beer!!!!!!!!!! :madspit: Not have your baby. :eyebrow:
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You could always become a lesbian

* sneaks in

(((((((((( Christina )))))))))))

* sneaks out
Conversely, there isn't anything wrong with getting married and having babies.
Infact, there's not much wrong with how anyone chooses to live their lives.
Angel said:
It *is* ok to be single!!!! It *is* ok to be independent! It *is* ok to be picky!!!! And when you take the plunge and ask out a guy, or a girl whatever, it *is* ok for them to not reciporocate the intention. And you know what?!@?!@? It *is* ok NOT TO CARE!

I think that's a great attitude to have.
Re: Re: I may not want to get married. An ode to someone.

Bonochick said:

I think that's a great attitude to have.

Yeah i was gonna say the same thing as BC said, you are very confident :D
hey girl, I not only hear ya, I will back you on this 200%. I too am single and damn happy with my life and there is nothing wrong with me. I do what I want, I have adventure, I am spontaneous and if/when someone comes along that I decide is worth including on my spontaneous adventuring, then they might have the honor of joining me. ;) But even if that never happens, I am not gonna sit around and worry about it. Life is too short and there is too much to experience.
that was so well written. perfectly put.

and since i believ i might know your situation, it really bugs me.

im terribly sorry things are so crappy for ya...but please dont take sicys advice...rather give ME a chance before you enjoy the greener grass on the other side ok?!!?!?

have a wonderful day.

or at least, a tolerable day.
Angel said:

This is it, I am DONE! Done with the whole mind games men and women play with eachother. Done with the caring of whether or not he likes me, or he'll call, or did I sound dumb, or I am too fat, or why doesn't he like me, or I am not pretty enough........ the list is endless!!

Girl, all I gotta say is amen to that! Really, I know how you feel. And it really bugs the hell out of me whenever I talk to someone I haven't seen in ages and the first thing they ask is--so, any men in your life?? Jesus christ, they could at least ask first--so, how are you??
Instead of immediately inquiring about the man you are supposed to have, and then making you feel shitty if you don't have one. :mad:
Angel said:
It *is* ok to be single!!!! It *is* ok to be independent! It *is* ok to be picky!!!!
i agree with this. although i'm not in that boat anymore, i hate how just because you're single, people automatically assume you're being too picky. i mean, is it really that horrible to be holding out for a decent guy? yeah, a woman can not be picky and end up with some playa that cheats on them or is a total scuzbag.
Oh god, I agree with you 100%.

I have boyfriends, butI'm not interested in getting emotionally involved with them, its not "that" kind of relationship. Its lust more than love, and that is exactly what I wanted out of this relationship.
I'm sick of being used and mistreated by the fecking bastards we call "men" (actually none of them ever age beyond 12). For the time being, I'm only interested in using men. Paying em back, you might say...:evil:
Someday, when I am interested in actually "loving" someone, I will make them sign a contract forcing them to agree that they will never intentionally use me or harm me. Cuz I'm fed up with those primitive brainless suckers! :mad:
They can just kiss my ass and give me all their money! :yes:
Miss MacPhisto said:
Oh god, I agree with you 100%.

I have boyfriends, butI'm not interested in getting emotionally involved with them, its not "that" kind of relationship. Its lust more than love, and that is exactly what I wanted out of this relationship.
I'm sick of being used and mistreated by the fecking bastards we call "men" (actually none of them ever age beyond 12). For the time being, I'm only interested in using men. Paying em back, you might say...:evil:
Someday, when I am interested in actually "loving" someone, I will make them sign a contract forcing them to agree that they will never intentionally use me or harm me. Cuz I'm fed up with those primitive brainless suckers! :mad:
They can just kiss my ass and give me all their money! :yes:


"Hello kettle? Yes, this is pot. You're black."
Angel said:

I am 27 years old and single. Whoopie!! Why stupid questions all the time like, 'why don't you have a boyfriend?', 'when are you going to get married'? blah, blah, blah, blah.

It *is* ok to be picky!!!!

Take heed lassie..there is no need to despair.

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Angel....welcome to freedom. :heart: It's great. It's a lot less hassle...a lot less worry.....it's "unfettered"!

Yes, people will ask you over and over why you're not married, etc....I like to ask them, "do you really think that being married is as wonderful a 'goal' as everyone makes it out to be? So then why is there a 60% divorce rate in this country?" Sheesh. People still act like it's the be-all-and-end-all of LIFE as we know it! We were made to be whole, healthy, happy singular beings FIRST, and if we choose to share our lives with someone, it's nobody else's business.

I came to accept (and LOVE) my singleness years ago. It's just one (or more) less thing to worry about in my life....I just don't have the time, patience or energy for it. That's not to say I don't want to be married some day, but when that day comes, I'll know. I really hate the whole "getting to know you" dating scene as well. Bleach.

Seriously, the ONLY times I ever wish I had an S.O. is at the holidays (for all those stupid parties) and when I'm sick (to wait on me hand and foot, ha). Other than that, being a singleton is great. :up:

Sorry if anyone thinks "the lady doth protest too much" but this is a big sore spot for me. Why can't people accept singles the way they do marrieds??? It's criminal, I tells ya!

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