I love you Tony!! ( Yes, we are still playing truth or dare! LOL)

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Rock n' Roll Doggie FOB
Aug 26, 2001
Buenos Aires, Argentina
I have been madly in love with you since the first time i saw you.I think about you all day long,...i don't eat anymore, i don't sleep anymore thinking about you...where have you been all my life?? I LOVE YOU!!!!!!!

Would you marry me???? ;D ( *Flavia waits for Sicy's reaction*)


PS: Don't take this seriously!! We are still playing truth or dare, and as you can see i chose dare!

[This message has been edited by Niamh_Saoirse (edited 10-05-2001).]
*Bluey applauds*
Well done my dear, well done!
I didn't think you would do it but you lived up to the dare...I can't wait to see what you will do to me...*shudder*
Originally posted by Niamh_Saoirse:

PS: Don't take this seriously!! We are still playing truth or dare, and as you can see i chose dare!

What's the point of the dare if you add the disclaimer? That's no fun...

PLEBA: It's Just A Stinkin' Forum!!!!!!! Yeesh!!!!!!!
Originally posted by Bonochick:
What's the point of the dare if you add the disclaimer? That's no fun...

Yeah, that's true, it's no fun...But i don't want him thinking i'm some kind of freak!!!! lol

And Cristy, sweetie..........SHUT UP!!!!!!

Thank you! lol

Hmm...Why do I have the strange feeling that this is not only a dare? lol

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