I have a caffeine problem.

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New Yorker
Apr 5, 2005
My name is Ellen and I am a caffeine addict.

I drink at least one Red Bull a day, at least one Mountain Dew a day, or at least two cups of coffee a day. Without one of these fluids in my system during the day, I cannot function. At all.

*sits back down and waits for someone to confess their caffeine addiction*..

:beer: <-- let's pretend it's coffee with whipped cream at the top :wink:...
I get a headache if I don't get my morning coffee.

I also need coffee or tea at around midday which I usually get between classes.

And then I have another cup of coffee/tea when I get home.

But I absolutely can't stand Red Bull, and Mountain Dew is too much sugar for me.

I like my coffee black. :drool:
The more coffee you drink the more your body will need.

Coffee is not a good and healthy way to stay awake or raise your level of energy. There are better ways to do so, like vitamins.

I have high blood pressure, I only drink coffee in the morning and I don't need coffee for the rest of the day. I don't drink esperesso and I don't drink tea, because I cannot have it. I HATE all "energy" drinks. I only drink much water during the day. If I feel tired, I'm going out into the fresh air and/or start to move, or I eat fruit.

I used to drink much coffee when I was younger, but coffee only gives you the illusion to make you "more awake", because it pushes your blood pressure and heart rate up for a very short time.
My name is Ellen and I am a caffeine addict.

I drink at least one Red Bull a day, at least one Mountain Dew a day, or at least two cups of coffee a day. Without one of these fluids in my system during the day, I cannot function. At all.

*sits back down and waits for someone to confess their caffeine addiction*..

:beer: <-- let's pretend it's coffee with whipped cream at the top :wink:...

Two cups of coffee a day isn't that bad, is it? I know people who have op to 7 or 8 energy drinks a day. :huh:
I used to drink 12 cans of Diet Pepsi a day. That's 144 ounces. A little over a gallon. Every day.


Used to. Now I drink water and sometimes root beer, which doesn't have caffeine, but it's brown and bubbly and I still crave the brown and bubbly stuff. I had a cup of coffee about 2 months ago and got such a buzz from it it was unreal.
^ :shocked: A little over a gallon?! A day?! It's good that you switched over to water though. Whew. Definitely a good call. :up:

On weekdays I drink... on a regular basis, two Red Bulls and a Mountain Dew. The coffee usually isn't brewed in the morning because I have to get going for class-- but two days a week, I go all out on coffee. I guess it's also a difference in cup measurements.. :hmm:.
I went the Green Tea route before and it's absolutely delightful in the cold, winter mornings. Waking up and having something to warm your body.. :drool:
It's hard for me to go a day without Red Bull. I never drank energy drinks before, but one day I had to gas up for an all-nighter to write a paper... and since then, Red Bull has been my fuel. :|

Curse the friend who recommended me the energy drink! *shakes fist angrily*
i usually an espresso shot at home before i leave to work and then a cup of cofee at night, sometimes i will change it up and have 2 diet coke cans in a day. which, for me is a HUGE improvement, i used to drink way toooo much through the entire day , and now I can delay drinking caffeine and not have to suffer a headache which is a relief. i think once you build up resistance it takes too much to have an effect, i dont even think that coffee in the morning helps me wake up anymore, but i enjoy the taste too much. i can seriosuly have a cup of coffee 5 minutes before going to bed and i fall asleep fine.
Don't drink coffee, though I like the smell of it. Just never got hooked. And a few times it just didn't agree with me. Never had a Red Bull or energy drink. Tea I can drink, but rarely do. Whether it's hot or iced, I need my 2-3 tsps. of sugar. I'm more of a Coca Cola girl. Used to drink one at lunch & one at dinner - well my hubby & I share each, so it's probably ends up being about one a day. I'm even trying to cut back on that, due to all the sugar and such & it probably not being good for me. Trying to drink more water & lemonade. :up:
I have one cup of coffee in the morning - I can't function without it. For lunch I'll often have a Diet Coke, and occasionally will have one at dinner too, but I try to drink water or will have a glass of wine. I definitely adore coffee and caffeine, but am good at drinking a reasonable amount. If I have too much, I definitely get the jitters.
wow, it always surprises me to hear people drinking tons of coffee or soda all day. on an average day i'll have maybe a glass of tea and a little bit of chocolate. today i've not had any tea though.
I drink soda all the time, but have just started to cut down. I only drank one little plastic bottle yesterday. I had water and juice to replace it.
I have a latte or an Americano in the morning, usuallya Diet Dr. Pepper or Diet Coke with my lunch, and only occasionally another latte or an Americano in the afternoon.

I do okay, caffeine-wise. If I go without caffeine, I sometimes get a headache, but not all the time.
I hate coffee, I despise it in ALL forms and no the "it doesn't really taste like coffee" doesn't work for me. If it so much as has one tiny granule in it, then it tastes like coffe, aka dirt, filth. Ick.

I love Mountain Dew and Coke. Fountain is best. Yum yum! Those are the only sodas I like.

I am not addicted to caffeine or sugar, I drink dew and coke because I like how they taste, which I guess is worse b/c I don't have a good excuse. I'm down to one a day, which is great considering how many people tell me how BAD soda is for you but are dowing 3+ coffees a day. I think one a day is a fair compromise, considering I lost 25 lbs, have not gained any weight since May (when I finished losing 25lbs), and I am concious of drinking my one soda. I will skip a snack or whatever so I can have it.
That Kramer video is hilarious. I laughed out loud and my dad just looked at me funny. :|

For some reason, I need to have my Red Bull in the morning. I can't go the rest of the day without it. Like today.. right now I'm working and forgot to drink my daily Red Bull/Mt. Dew. I'm going nuts here. My eyes are barely staying open and this Mr. Pure Papaya Punch ain't doing shit. :angry:

I anticipate the next five hours to be just as slow. :grumpy:
Ok. I'm going to admit that as I'm typing this I am drinking a Starbucks GingerSnap Latte.
I had a 32 oz fountain mountain dew, BUT I felt a major headache coming on and voila! it's gone. I'm having a very light dinner!
I'm not a big caffeine junkie, but I always need a bit of a kick in the morning, otherwise I practically sleep through my appointments. Even a strong tea will do.

Timmies, ftw!

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