Humpty Doo, Northern Territory Superthread

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
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I missed out on someone posting as charlotte? :(.

Ok, I need to take a shower and go to bed. This has been an incredibly productive day for one that started with me sleeping in until 1:00 PM (for a total of 15 hours of sleep), and with NO homework done.
I missed out on someone posting as charlotte? :(.

She kindly let us know Charlotte is a registered sex offender.

Ok, I need to take a shower and go to bed. This has been an incredibly productive day for one that started with me sleeping in until 1:00 PM (for a total of 15 hours of sleep), and with NO homework done.

Good stuff. Have a good one! :wave:
Oh my goodness, I forgot I had this album.

NP: Underwater Mountain ~ Tim Finn
Ahaha she should, shouldn't she! Especially for surviving the Sebber...!


She looks like she's losing IQ points fast there... :uhoh:
Well I think we just managed to explain Christianity. Who needs a deity when pies can restore you to life?
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