Hoon Hay, New Zealand Superthread

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
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Can you connect to the modem at home via an ethernet cable?

I should try that, although if it's going to be a permanent solution, Tim says he'd have to go under the house and put the cable through the floor or the wall or something. I dunno if changing from cable internets to ADSL or whatever will change things... probably not.

*adds incredibly long ethernet cable to shopping list*

I had a dream about the Apocalypse overnight too!

Though I've also dreamt that U2 would have a song about Kansas City on HTDAAB, so I don't think my dreams are entirely prophetic.

Ooh, what sort of Apocalypse was it? I just had a bunch of very bizarre dreams which involved D&D. :reject: I did dream about the bird we used to have the other night... if ever there was a Parrot of the Apocalypse, that was it.

Swim with me into your blackes-

No I just can't do it, even sarcastically.

Thank gods for that. *L* I would start to worry that you've been replaced with a AxverFB-bot or something.
2/3 done!!!


My knitting needles are smoking from going that fast.


Are you on fire like Edge?? :giggle:

Then why aren't Anal Cunt huge!

Ahh, what a wonderful world that'd be.

I suppose I should have added that it helps to be roughly within the genre of pop as well... and maybe F is as far as you're allowed to go in popular music these days. I'm sure that'll change and I'll be mortified by modern music when I'm a cranky old woman. (ie, in 10 years' time.)
I should try that, although if it's going to be a permanent solution, Tim says he'd have to go under the house and put the cable through the floor or the wall or something. I dunno if changing from cable internets to ADSL or whatever will change things... probably not.

*adds incredibly long ethernet cable to shopping list*

Switching from cable to ADSL would, I presume, require a new modem, so if the problem's on the modem's end rather than your computer's, then that would help. Otherwise, won't change a thing. Where's the modem located anyway?

Ooh, what sort of Apocalypse was it?

Put it this way: you can tell I've read a couple of dystopian novels lately.

I suppose I should have added that it helps to be roughly within the genre of pop as well... and maybe F is as far as you're allowed to go in popular music these days. I'm sure that'll change and I'll be mortified by modern music when I'm a cranky old woman. (ie, in 10 years' time.)

Alright then, I'm going to steal a popular melody (like Don't Dream It's Over or Pride), ever so slightly embellish it so that I can't be sued for plagiarism, and release a song called You Fucking Cunt and we'll test the theory!

(Or I would, if I could play at all.)
Found out why Dave was unavailable Friday night. He was too busy out getting bombed with his buddy Ryan. So, he's also lied to me about giving up booze and drugs. I have never been quite this infuriated.
Dear Melbourne,

What's with the overly warm weather!

No thanks,
Dear angry customers,

It's not my fault you didn't pay your bill. Your pay TV is shut off of your own slacktivism. The longer you yell at me, the more of Jersey Shore you're missing. Pay and STFU.

no love, Jess.
Hello new facebook friend :wink: It goes alright.

I had a fucking busy morning working out on a main road, where my co-worker got abused by some old bitch. Fun times.

Off for a quick lunch.

Hi/bye! :wave:

I don't get how random members of the public think they can go around abusing people who are just doing their job... well, unless your mate is a parking cop? :wink:

Switching from cable to ADSL would, I presume, require a new modem, so if the problem's on the modem's end rather than your computer's, then that would help. Otherwise, won't change a thing. Where's the modem located anyway?

Put it this way: you can tell I've read a couple of dystopian novels lately.

Well, the laptop at home works fine... I set them both up within 6 feet of the router, which I moved to sit on top of the back of the couch (normally it's on a little stand behind the couch, against the wall/window), and the laptop got full signal strength and my comp only showed one bar. :shrug:

Aha... nothing so dramatic as meteorites or zombie apocalypses?

Alright then, I'm going to steal a popular melody (like Don't Dream It's Over or Pride), ever so slightly embellish it so that I can't be sued for plagiarism, and release a song called You Fucking Cunt and we'll test the theory!

(Or I would, if I could play at all.)

Give it a healthy dose of auto-tune and no one will care how you play... in fact you might be better off plagiarising "sampling" the original tune as is.

Found out why Dave was unavailable Friday night. He was too busy out getting bombed with his buddy Ryan. So, he's also lied to me about giving up booze and drugs. I have never been quite this infuriated.

:madspit: at him. Loooooser. Voodoo doll?
I'm savouring this lovely weather, since we may not have another warm day until December, the way things have been going...

Of course, I'm stuck inside working and I'm not even going out for my lunch break (yay exploding soup). :|
Well, the laptop at home works fine... I set them both up within 6 feet of the router, which I moved to sit on top of the back of the couch (normally it's on a little stand behind the couch, against the wall/window), and the laptop got full signal strength and my comp only showed one bar. :shrug:

Aha... nothing so dramatic as meteorites or zombie apocalypses?

Huh, strange. Sounds like it's your computer though. That said, I once had a modem that would recognise PCs but not Macs. That was really weird, especially because it originally DID recognise my iMac, then just stopped.

There were zombies of a sort. And trains. And the Yarra. It made entirely no sense.

Give it a healthy dose of auto-tune and no one will care how you play... in fact you might be better off plagiarising "sampling" the original tune as is.

You make a good point. "Hey now YOU FUCKING CUNT don't dream it's over YOU FUCKING CUNT!" It'll be number one!
:madspit: at him. Loooooser. Voodoo doll?
That's actually not a bad idea. I was going to troll him by sexting him pics of Tre Cool in drag.

As for your computer, it totally sounds like your comp's modem is being a shit.
Huh, strange. Sounds like it's your computer though. That said, I once had a modem that would recognise PCs but not Macs. That was really weird, especially because it originally DID recognise my iMac, then just stopped.

There were zombies of a sort. And trains. And the Yarra. It made entirely no sense.

Yeah, I'll look at getting a new(er) wireless card and see if that might help. Might post in the tech forum again since it worked with my first problem! I've probably forgotten to do some obvious basic thing.

Well, Monday morning in an office looks a lot like a zombie apocalypse.

You make a good point. "Hey now YOU FUCKING CUNT don't dream it's over YOU FUCKING CUNT!" It'll be number one!

Woo! *pre-orders 500 singles*

Am Back. Wow its warm outside

*takes off jumper*

I wish I was outside... although not next to a smelly tip.

Omg, I drove through the worst stench on Friday night... I think there's a huge packing plant just near where the Chandler Hwy crosses the Eastern Fwy, and ye gods. *gag* I had close the car's vents on the way back.
That's actually not a bad idea. I was going to troll him by sexting him pics of Tre Cool in drag.

As for your computer, it totally sounds like your comp's modem is being a shit.

Go for the doll... I think you're much better off disappearing on him completely.

Well, something in there's being a shit.
I shouldn't be surprised how many people from my high school are religious conservatives, but it's still disappointing.
I shouldn't be surprised how many people from my high school are religious conservatives, but it's still disappointing.

Same here. Goes with the territory of Mormon Country, I guess.
Same here. Goes with the territory of Mormon Country, I guess.

Yeah, I went to a non-denominational Protestant high school, so who's shocked. Still, two or three people in particular I thought were above voting for Tony Abbott.
Haha, I heard Tony Abbot got all bent out of shape over something Robin Williams said. Robin replied with, "Well, he's not PM anymore, so I win!"
Found out why Dave was unavailable Friday night. He was too busy out getting bombed with his buddy Ryan. So, he's also lied to me about giving up booze and drugs. I have never been quite this infuriated.

Destroy him.

Violently, not sexually.
Haha, I heard Tony Abbot got all bent out of shape over something Robin Williams said. Robin replied with, "Well, he's not PM anymore, so I win!"

... I don't get it.
... I don't get it.

Robin called Australians English rednecks as a joke. Abbot said "Robin should spend some time in Alabama before he goes calling anyone a redneck." The governor of Alabama weighed in and said that Alabamans aren't rednecks, they're just nice, hardworkin' people. So Robin accidentally started a war between Australia and Alabama. Robin toured down there and apologized and I guess since Tony Abbot was ousted, that somehow means he was right and he wins. I dunno.
Robin called Australians English rednecks as a joke. Abbot said "Robin should spend some time in Alabama before he goes calling anyone a redneck." The governor of Alabama weighed in and said that Alabamans aren't rednecks, they're just nice, hardworkin' people. So Robin accidentally started a war between Australia and Alabama. Robin toured down there and apologized and I guess since Tony Abbot was ousted, that somehow means he was right and he wins. I dunno.

Oh, I vaguely remember that!

But Tony Abbott (two ts) was never PM. :tongue:
Whatever. He's not my country's leader, I don't have to remember how to spell his name. :tongue:

/rudeamerican :wink:
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