"History Mix" Bonus DVD?

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Rock n' Roll Doggie Band-aid
Aug 13, 2001
Today I watched a bit of Achtung Baby VHS tape "the videos, the cameos, and a whole lotta interference" ...

On back of the VHS cover, it says that the first video montage before EBTTRT is called "History Mix"

Now here's my question... Is U2 reissuing a video montage that they have already made?... or is this "History Mix" something new that none of us U2 fans have ever seen?

Thoughts, anyone?
According to one report, the history mix is supposed to be a 20 minute mix of every single one of the band's videos.
good question and good thread , i think it's AB videos timeline + rest of the years , 1992-2002 , you know .
yeah, pinkfloyd is unfortunately right. Looks like the History Mix is nothing more than a commercial for the Best Of DVD. Oh well.......
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