
The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
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The Fly
Sep 26, 2004
Hello, everyone! I'm brand new to this forum/site and am SO glad to have found it. (I actually think I came across you guys a few years ago, but lost it somehow.) Anyway.... Well, I've been a BIG fan of U2 since 1979, so I'm pretty old (40 years old). But people say I look like I'm in my late 20's, so maybe U2 is really the "Elixir of Youth"?!

I'll never forget walking into that record store that summer between junior and senior years in high school. I had been SO hoping to find SOMETHING to buy, but I was really feeling that the music scene was so dry and uninspiring. And right then, someone behind the counter put on "Boy" and I instantly FELL IN LOVE!!! I really think U2 saved me in so many ways - at least in spirit.

I regret never seeing U2 at CBGB's that senior year. It was a school night and late and...I just didn't go. HOW STUPID OF ME?!

Well, now, I feel doomed to buy tickets off of ebay for astronomical prices, because I never seem to be on the "inside track" of it all. :(( So, I'm hoping this forum will give me a heads up and maybe I can get tickets the way the rest of the fans do. (But then, I don't have the energy of the young'ns anymore. :))

Glad to be here, in any case!!!
You guys are SO nice!!!! No, I have never been welcomed so much! Thanks, everyone!

:dance: (And I have to say, I am IN LOVE with this dancy guy/gal!! I use him/her all the time - even if it doesn't fit! I'm OBSESSED!!!)

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