Happy birthday Ali

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War Child
Jun 10, 2001
Well it's the birthday of Bono's lovely wife so I just thought someone needed to say happy birthday
Happy Birthday Ali!!!!!!!! She's such an amazing woman... I hope she has a great day!

I wonder what Bono got her!!!! Or maybe he'll have to write her another song! (But hey! I'd take that!)






Three o'clock in the morning
It's quiet and there's no one around
Just the bang and the clatter
As an angel runs to ground

Just the bang
And the clatter
As an angel
Hits the ground
Happy Birthday Ali

Bono should take out to a fancy dinner


seriously thou, she is such an amazing woman and deserves the best. Oh wait she already has the best.





I'm wide awake.....I'm not sleeping
Awwwwwwwww Happy birthday Ali!!!
*huuuuuuuugs* I hope you have a lovely day, you're a lovely lady and a person that we can all look up to
*whispers* pssst! how old is she?
(o com'on its not like she's reading

' I want to run
I want to hide
I want to tear down the walls
That hold me inside
I want to reach out
And touch the flame
Where the streets have no name. . .'
.:. U2: Rock's Unbreakable Heart!

Love is...cold steel/Fingers too numb to feel/Squeeze the handle/Blow out the candle
Love is blindness.../A little death/Without mourning/No call/And no warning...

[Thanks Coach P]
Originally posted by U2002revolution!:
*whispers* pssst! how old is she?
(o com'on its not like she's reading

41. It's no secret, we all know she was almost as old as Bono. They were teen sweethearts and in school together. Everybody knows she's not 29, no big deal.
happy burfday Ali!!!!

"It never ceases to amaze me. Here, we have a man who claims professes to enjoy flower arranging, has no qualms over donning a skirt at any given time and, now we learn, prefers to use the ladies' restroom. And yet somehow he manages to embody all that is masculine and sexy. I don't know how he does it. " ~Hallelujah Here She Comes, about Adam
Yesh happy birthday, Ali
Lucky duck, you.

BONO: You're only being nice because you wish you were her.

MONA: No! No, I --

BONO: Come on....

MONA: No. Seriously. She's a strong woman. I--

BONO: ....is this about us having a corral of children?

MONA: Em....

ok before I dig myself in a scandal pit, I'll just post this pic:


You know -- I used to be the same way with my parents when I was little. They'd wanna go somewhere alone together, and I'd always want to tag along.

I feel yer pain, Edge. Oh.....he looks like he's enjoying himself, actually.

BONO: She always rambles like this when she's nervous......

MONA: Goo. Happy b~Day and MANY MANY MORE to Bono's Sweetest Thing



LOVE me, give me SOUL

"I?m old enough to feel the way I do and I know that you are true" ~Pete Yorn~

"Rock n Roll never tasted so good" ~Bono
Get on the Boos
Yay! Happy birthday, Ali!


*Owner of the BonoDoll*

"No, I will not do the snake dance for you!" ~ Bono after the post-Super Bowl party

WARNING: Insanity is highly contagious!

My U2 Site

"I don't usually come across as a very deep person, but really I am deep. I'm deep when I need to be. When I'm frustrated I'll let all my feelings out, I'll be deep. So let me be deep, but don't get me frustrated." ~ Me, when asked how I could write such a deep response to the meaning of "Beautiful Day"
Originally posted by Shine * Like* Stars*:
41. It's no secret, we all know she was almost as old as Bono. They were teen sweethearts and in school together. Everybody knows she's not 29, no big deal.

I thought she and Bono were the same age? I'd only heard anything about her age once, so it could be wrong....

Is it just me, or does she look like she's barely aged in those photographs? She is too blessed!

"Love is a verb..."
Happy birthday Ali!
You're a great and admirable (and much envied) woman! Keep on going

-- Sara
the only baggage you can bring is all that you can't leave behind
Happy Birthday, Ali! You're one of my heroes!


PLEBA loves you!


"I have a dragon, and I know how to use it. I'm a donkey on the edge!" -Shrek

Won't you kiss me on that MIDNIGHT STREET, sweep me OFF MY FEET, singing 'ain't this life SO SWEET?' -David Gray


Visit my webpage for U2 wallpapers:
Happy Birthday Ali!

I know I am not the only one who admires your activism and your choice in men!

Like everyone else has said..

You're my hero, female idol.. LOL..
Happy birthday, Ali!

"You must not look down on someone just 'cos they are 14 years old. When I was that age I listened to the music of John Lennon and it changed my way of seeing things, so I'm just glad that 14 year olds are coming to see U2 rather than group X." - Bono, 1988
Originally posted by Shine * Like* Stars*:
41. It's no secret, we all know she was almost as old as Bono. They were teen sweethearts and in school together. Everybody knows she's not 29, no big deal.

She actually turns 42 so she's the same age as Bono except for a few months.
But who can tell?

Happy birthday Ali!!

Wishes you great weather (I know, a swedish thing), lots of presents (maybe a husband around
) and a tasty cake all for yourself.
I knew I was forgetting something! Oh, it's my nephew's bday too...oops, forgot him too!
Darn on-line calendar....

Happy Birthday to one of my favorite wimmins, one of my heroines, and one of the darn luckiest women on the face of the earth...and she's even friends with the other two (or three?). *Raises coffee mug in toast* Ali, may you have a most wonderful birthday and many many more!!
((((hugs to Ali))))
Originally posted by MissZooropa:
She actually turns 42 so she's the same age as Bono except for a few months.
But who can tell?

Yeah she's 42 and she looks amazing. If I look half that good when I get to 42 I wud be very happy
Ali rocks
thanks, gina!!!

that was awesome to read and reminds me that me doing nothing is actually what lets people in power continue to do nothing about the problems in our world.

Originally posted by Shine * Like* Stars*:
Well it's only a few months difference. That qualifies as the same age to me.

I was just wondering if I had the wrong info, cuz if they are the same age, she would be 42 now, right? Not that it really matters
she's awesome no matter what!

"Love is a verb..."
Happy Birthday Ali-a beautiful, amazing woman.

I like this article about her new campaign-and what she says about Bono.

March 24, 2002
From The Irish Times:

If Ali Hewson fails to stir the natives with her postcard campaign, then Sir Bernard Ingham
ought to do it for her.

Sellafield is a problem of perception, born of ignorance, prejudice and hysteria, Margaret
Thatcher's former spinner told RTE yesterday. Radioactivity is "not the great killer people
try to make out"; so far "only" 45 deaths and about 2000 thyroid cancers have been directly
attributed to Chernobyl.

And the postcard campaign? "Futile."

Campaign leader Ali Hewson shrugs: "I'm sanguine enough to know that this campaign won't
shut Sellafield down tomorrow." The objective is to make the three targets stop and think
about the risks versus the economics.

So Norman Askew, CEO of British Nuclear Fuels, is challenged to "tell us the truth". Prince
Charles, environmentalist and sometime Irish tourist, will see a radioactive shamrock with the
rhetorical question, "Wish you were here?" And the British Prime Minister, gets the direct,
nice-guy-next-door, treatment: "Tony, look me in the eye and tell me I'm safe..."

The Tony card will be sent free to all households, to be signed and sent off (post free thanks
to An Post) by April 19th. The hope is however, that everyone will also pay up for the other
two - available at a euro each from post offices, banks, supermarkets and the web at www.shutsellafield.com - and send them off as well. Four million are being printed and once
An Post has gathered them all, they will be delivered en masse on April 26th, the 16th
anniversary of Chernobyl.

The beauty of the campaign, says Hewson, is its simplicity.

"It's a two-pronged approach. The first is that you voice your concern and send the card. The
second is that proceeds go to the Chernobyl Children's Project".

There are reasons for concern, 38 of which are described by British Nuclear Fuels Limited, the
company that runs Sellafield, as "nuclear accidents at British nuclear installations" and occurred
between January, 1997 and June, 2000.

And thanks to the Observer, we know that in January, 2001, 2,000 tonnes of high-level nuclear
waste almost exploded after Sellafield staff had ignored alarms for two and a half hours.

"Those 21 tanks of waste contain huge quantities of the most hazardous materials on the
nuclear site, if not the planet", said John Large, a nuclear engineer.

Yesterday, the Minister for Social Welfare, Dermot Ahern, coolly reminded Bernard Ingham
that BNFL admits, inter alia, that it "has no answer" to the possibility of an air strike into
Sellafield, although such an attack would unleash 100 times the radioactivity of Chernobyl.

This is what puts the grit into Ali Hewson's soul and forces her out of her natural reserve.
She has been tilting at the nuclear industry since her first child was born nearly 13 years ago.
She now has four, the youngest aged 10 only months.

For much of the time, she's a single mother. What she calls Bono's "day job" allied to his Drop
the Debt campaigning are "all consuming", she says. One minute, George Bush is announcing
a $5 billion hike in US aid, with Bono by his side; the next, the US Treasury Secretary, Paul
O'Neill, is telling us that he and and same Bono are off on an 11-day trip to Africa.

So Bono is on a roll, but, she says deliberately, the anti- nuclear gig is hers.

"Bono is completely supportive but this is my project... Though we do have a joke at home
that the reason I'm so comfortable with Chernobyl and Sellafield is because I married a
nuclear reactor..."


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