Everyday crap that may not necessarily deserve it's own thread but drives you crazy..

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Blue Crack Supplier
Aug 22, 2002
the great beyond
... on a regular basis.. the kind of stuff you keep meaning to ask somebody about but also keep forgetting to do so because you're so caught up in the weekly routine... the daily grind if you will.

For instance,
I was thinking about this in the shower this morning. Why would anybody buy shampoo and conditioner separately when they can buy a 2 in 1 and make life a little easier? :huh:

Why do they have 30 mph speed limit zones? 30 mph is really fucking slow! :mad:
Lila64 said:
Guys don't know anything about shampoos & conditioners :tsk:

Indeed. I can't think of a single female who uses 2-in-1 shampoo/conditioner, and for good reason!
Zootlesque said:

Gibby.. why not? Do tell. :shifty:

Because we know it's not the same! A 2-in-1 shampoo/conditioner is basically just glorified shampoo. It does absolutely nothing for your hair. Conditioner actually does make your hair easier to manage, makes it softer, and helps with fly-aways.

It's probably a bit more difficult for men to notice, because you tend to have shorter hair than we do.
Re: Everyday crap that may not necessarily deserve it's own thread but drives you crazy..

Zootlesque said:
Why would anybody buy shampoo and conditioner separately when they can buy a 2 in 1 and make life a little easier? :huh:

cause i don't want my hair looking like shit:shifty:

but i see where you're coming from men don't like there hair..or looking pretty:wink:
I don't understand why they have this:

Peanut butter and jelly are definitely two different foods that should be kept separate. I bet once you get to the bottom it looks like grey mush. :sick:
Maybe I should rephrase that question... why would MEN buy a shampoo and conditioner separately? :wink:

Maybe metrosexuals would... Fags!

...just kidding!!
Zootlesque said:
Maybe I should rephrase that question... why would MEN buy a shampoo and conditioner separately? :wink:

Maybe metrosexuals would... Fags!

...just kidding!!

well women shower differently ....for example:wink:


Get in the shower. Use face cloth, arm cloth, leg cloth, long loofah, wide loofah and pumice stone. Wash your hair once with cucumber and sage shampoo with 43 added vitamins.

Wash your hair again to make sure it's clean.

Condition your hair with grapefruit mint conditioner enhanced.

Wash your face with crushed apricot facial scrub for 10 minutes until red.

Wash entire rest of body with ginger nut and jaffa cake body wash.

Rinse conditioner off hair.

Shave armpits and legs.

Turn off shower. Squeegee off all wet surfaces in shower. Spray mold spots with Tilex.

Get out of shower. Dry with towel the size of a small country. Wrap hair in super absorbent towel.

Return to bedroom wearing long dressing gown and towel on head. If you see husband along the way, cover up any exposed areas.
Tell me about it, what takes me 20 minutes in the shower takes my wife 2 hours...

And I have long hair!!

Not that there is anything wrong with that ladies... :uhoh:

Oh and Zootles, I use conditioner and shampoo seperately... That 2 in 1 crap is awfull :down:
elevated_u2_fan said:
Tell me about it, what takes me 20 minutes in the shower takes my wife 2 hours...

And I have long hair!!

Not that there is anything wrong with that ladies... :uhoh:

see us men we're in and we're out.....:wink:
U2Girl416 said:
when I go into a store like Bath and Body Works and get swarmed by up to 5 employees. I say no thank you, I'm just looking, and then the next employee approaches and tries to tell me of the sales going on, and then the next one, etc. ugh!!!!

I've actually stopped going to Bath and Body Works because of the salespeople. Well, that and because they stopped making my favorite soap :mad:
MsPurrl said:
Why does the fold-up sunscreen for my car's windshield have the words "REMOVE BEFORE DRIVING" on it?


I think this one is the winner.
Why oh why is there this expectation from managers at most 9 to 5 type jobs... esp. from salaried employees (the poor sods!) that they should put in as many long hours as humanly possible??? Why is it impressive to brag about how your workdays are usually 10 to 12 hours long and that's on the "easy" days!? If you can't get your shit done in 8 or 9 hours a day, I want to think that you're just not efficient enough! :|

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