I don't know if this is embarassing, or just odd
I have been told I would, as a small child, I would wake up really early in the morning, and pour myself a bowl of cherrios, alone, and eat them, alone, in the morning. Before anyone else. ANd I would like demand that people left the cherrios and the bowl out for me, so when I woke up, I could eat. I have no memories of this, so I must have been young... but I'm not too surprised, and people swear by it.
It's sort of amazing I didn;t like choke and die, I guess. But I don't know.. . maybe that was the beginning of my indpendant streak?
Let's see....
I always used to dress up as eitiher Batman or Rapheal from the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. I have vivid memories of an early birthday party where I would be in my bedroom, and then yell for my mom to come in. I'd tell her, say, that I was going to dress up as batman, and that she should tell everyone to expect batman to come out, and etc... But of course, I would wait until she left and then I would put on the Rapheal costume, and I would gloriously strut out there, like a hero, and apparently I got off on people's *surprise* - they expected Batman, but I was Rapheal
I really don't get it... I guess it is kid logic...
but whatever
all I know si that I like did that for the whole party, it seemed...